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Associations - Robert Franco
1/23/2004 3:43:23 PM (1194 views)
Re: Associations - Annette Dorty
1/24/2004 12:24:30 PM (2313 views)
Re: Associations - Joe Kalmon
1/27/2004 2:01:45 AM (1602 views)

Abstractor Training - Cherie Smurthwaite
1/19/2004 6:44:50 PM (1334 views)
Re: Abstractor Training - Jay Duncan
1/19/2004 10:35:29 PM (1575 views)
Re: Abstractor Training - Cherie Smurthwaite
1/20/2004 12:19:22 AM (1612 views)

Jobs moving overseas - Slade Smith
1/19/2004 5:40:39 PM (1278 views)
Re: Jobs moving overseas - Jan Forster
1/20/2004 3:10:28 PM (1474 views)
Re: Jobs moving overseas - Slade Smith
1/20/2004 5:55:41 PM (1503 views)
Re: Jobs moving overseas - Donna Grady
1/21/2004 12:47:11 AM (1674 views)
Re: Jobs moving overseas - David Bloys
1/21/2004 8:10:38 AM (1605 views)
Re: Jobs moving overseas - Jay Duncan
1/20/2004 6:27:07 PM (1543 views)
Re: Jobs moving overseas - Slade Smith
1/20/2004 7:19:37 PM (1516 views)
Regarding your tax refund... - Jan Forster
1/20/2004 7:39:28 PM (1611 views)
Re: Regarding your tax refund... - Slade Smith
1/20/2004 11:04:25 PM (1599 views)
Re: Regarding your tax refund... - Jan Forster
1/20/2004 11:52:41 PM (1583 views)
Re: Jobs moving overseas - Jay Duncan
1/20/2004 11:52:27 PM (1586 views)
Jay For President! - Jan Forster
1/20/2004 7:30:53 PM (1483 views)
Re: Jay For President! - walter yager
1/21/2004 9:55:30 AM (1613 views)

website under 'light' construction - Slade Smith
1/16/2004 2:01:33 PM (1115 views)

How public should "public information" be? - David Bloys
1/15/2004 10:06:22 AM (1381 views)
Re: How public should "public information" be? - Robert Franco
1/15/2004 12:08:09 PM (1846 views)
Re: How public should "public information" be? - Jan Forster
1/15/2004 3:40:15 PM (1750 views)
Re: How public should "public information" be? - David Bloys
1/15/2004 5:17:05 PM (1681 views)
Re: How public should "public information" be? - David Bloys
1/15/2004 4:48:01 PM (1729 views)

Hi Robert,

All of what you say is true, but even so, Ashish claims in his posts here that his company is doing searches for all of South Carolina and many other counties. I am not sure if it is his same company or not but I notice there is an India based company that is claiming by their listing here that they provide service in all the counties in Texas. This is not possible as very few Texas counties even offer online access. You might want to check to see who is making the same claim in the counties you serve.

I received two calls in December from India and both from the same company. The caller was asking if I would like to outsource my work to them instead of doing this work myself. I asked him how he expected to do this from India as the counties I service have neither their indexes or documents online.

He said. "We will just call the courthouse and ask them to look up the information for us."

This is also not a possibilty as the county clerks here are not allowed or even know how to do these searches.

Now how would these off-shore out-sourcers get around the problem of the online indexes not going back far enough? It seems simple to me. They just turn it back to the people who ordered it as unworkable from India. So we can always count on receiving the orders the outsoursers don't want and can't even pretend to do.

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Re: How public should "public information" be? - Robert Franco
1/15/2004 4:55:12 PM (1745 views)
Re: How public should "public information" be? - David Bloys
1/15/2004 5:41:59 PM (1535 views)
Re: How public should "public information" be? - ss
1/15/2004 8:09:32 PM (1608 views)
Re: How public should "public information" be? - Michael Finley
1/17/2004 10:51:52 AM (1558 views)
Re: How public should "public information" be? - ECCE
1/17/2004 12:54:13 PM (1498 views)
Re: How public should "public information" be? - Michael Finley
1/17/2004 10:38:56 PM (1497 views)
Re: How public should "public information" be? - Paul Richards
1/18/2004 12:07:27 AM (1469 views)
Re: How public should "public information" be? - Paul Richards
1/18/2004 12:10:30 AM (1461 views)

Real Title Services

title searchers wanted in Va - Dave Gravely
1/14/2004 3:43:18 PM (1342 views)
Re: title searchers wanted in Va - Nikki Marangoni
1/29/2004 6:55:21 PM (1435 views)

1/13/2004 3:46:41 PM (1191 views)

DocuPen on Ebay - Robert Franco
1/13/2004 12:57:44 PM (1601 views)

E&O Prices - James Guill
1/10/2004 12:42:43 AM (1266 views)
Re: E&O Prices - DONNA GRADY
1/10/2004 6:13:41 PM (1918 views)
Re: E&O Prices - Jay Duncan
1/10/2004 6:40:53 PM (1930 views)
Re: E&O Prices - ss
1/11/2004 11:28:33 AM (1926 views)
Re: E&O Prices - Smitty Strickland
1/11/2004 1:32:00 PM (1894 views)
Re: E&O Prices - Glenda Hodge
1/25/2004 2:58:31 PM (1568 views)

Radian Express - Jay Duncan
1/9/2004 11:20:18 PM (1394 views)
Re: Radian Express - Michael Finley
1/10/2004 7:43:29 AM (1568 views)
Re: Radian Express - Jay Duncan
1/12/2004 2:10:36 PM (1583 views)

State Licensing - Jay Duncan
1/8/2004 4:27:10 PM (1442 views)
Re: State Licensing - Loretta Reed
1/8/2004 5:23:40 PM (1892 views)
Re: State Licensing - Robert Franco
1/8/2004 7:00:38 PM (1678 views)
Re: State Licensing - DONNA GRADY
1/8/2004 10:00:19 PM (1740 views)
Re: State Licensing - DONNA GRADY
1/8/2004 10:05:31 PM (1720 views)
Re: State Licensing - monica froese
1/27/2004 3:01:43 PM (1400 views)
Re: State Licensing - Jacqueline Costa
1/9/2004 7:23:23 AM (1702 views)
Re: State Licensing - Loretta Reed
1/9/2004 10:18:28 AM (1658 views)
Re: State Licensing - Cleo
1/9/2004 9:01:14 AM (1729 views)
Re: State Licensing - Annette Dorty
1/9/2004 10:53:52 AM (1696 views)
Re: State Licensing - SS
1/9/2004 7:22:55 PM (1641 views)
Re: State Licensing - Jackie Sikora
1/10/2004 7:57:59 AM (1585 views)
Re: State Licensing - James Toney
1/12/2004 11:26:46 PM (1542 views)
Re: State Licensing - Navy Federal
1/16/2004 6:54:49 PM (1497 views)

HOT and not so hot List - Helga Hinck
1/8/2004 1:31:16 PM (1105 views)

Review on Docupen - J Davis
1/8/2004 9:47:45 AM (1330 views)
Re: Review on Docupen - Robert Franco
1/8/2004 6:55:48 PM (1684 views)
Re: Review on Docupen - Annette Dorty
1/9/2004 10:55:49 AM (1625 views)
Re: Review on Docupen - Robert Franco
1/9/2004 5:43:20 PM (1618 views)
Re: Review on Docupen - Jan Forster
1/9/2004 11:58:22 PM (1656 views)
Re: Review on Docupen - Robert Franco
1/10/2004 1:33:22 AM (1550 views)

Cell Site Searches - John OConnor
1/7/2004 12:26:53 PM (1338 views)
Re: Cell Site Searches - Robert Franco
1/7/2004 5:16:47 PM (1625 views)
Re: Cell Site Searches - James Toney
1/12/2004 11:19:54 PM (1458 views)

Software For Orders - Cherie Smurthwaite
1/6/2004 6:51:18 PM (1445 views)
Re: Software For Orders - Tim Collins
1/15/2004 5:37:23 PM (1332 views)

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