I find it rather interesting that everytime someone comes in here to ask for advice on how to become a title abstractor the people in here suggest the same thing. Go to a title company and have them train you. That is a joke. They no that will never happen. These people do not want you in the business period. I took an online course 6 years ago. It taught me the procedure that I needed to know and I practiced and practiced. They helped me obtain E &O insurance and helped me get 3 clients that I still work for today. I am a full time Title Abstractor running my own business with 5 employees. I got here because of this online course and with the help of Mr. William Stephen. I highly recommend his course located www.learntitlesearching.com. he is a very dedicated man that enjoys teaching his chosen profession.
For you people in here to say that an online course is or is not good is not a responsible thing to say. You are not helping the people that come here for advice. Shame on you for your lousy advise to these people. Colleges offer many of their courses online and students do very well. The problem with this industry is it is so caddy and filled with backstabbing individuals. You call youself professionals. What a joke. If you dont agree read the idiotic and stupid postings that these so called professionals put in here. Its digusting and very unprofessional.
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