John, on line classes are the worst and I would NEVER recommend them to anyone. They can not be precise in what they tell you. How can someone provide you all the information you need without every working in the counties you plan to cover. Learning the basic terminology is one thing, but putting it to practice in entirely a different thing. Not to mention that every state had different rules they go by as far as how long judgments are cheked for, how to determine if a deed of trust expires and such and so on.
I would Highly recommend a community college class. I know the 2 in my area have real estate attorneys teach the classes, and they even take you to the courthouses and actually teach you how to do a search. And part of the final exam is to go and do your own search. And they don't give you an easy one either. But againm the class isn't all you need to go out on your own and be a searches. You must have training from someone experienced!!!!!!!
Read thru some old old posts here and you will see that many many people have had very poor information given to them from on line training classes.
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