Wow! What a great idea, Robert! Yes, count myself and my partner in when it comes to all independent abstractor's developing our own network to market through SOT!! Just a little side note, we received a fax from one of our clients and here is what they say about electronic searches: "....Recently, it has been brought to our attention that many of our field abstractors are performing on-line searches and not going to the county recorders office to research our requests. If you have been employing this type of research methodology, you must cease this operation immediately and perform only courthouse searches. If you have completed searches for us and reported the mortgage as "not recorded" or "No-find" without performing the search at the courthouse level, we feel you have provided us with either incomplete or possibly incorrect information that you may be liable for. If you only perform on-line searches and do not perform courthouse searches, please inform us so we can make the necessary adjustments to your contractor information." Is this a good thing or what? The big hitters (and this client is a very big hitter) are realizing that on-line searches (and GAC using the internet to access their thin-title plants) are pretty shaky when it comes to the accuracy of the research. After all, more errors occur with more human data entry!!
Toni @Advantage Title Services, LLC - WI
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