I agree - no way we can maintain these prices - especially those charging a ridiculous 35.00 or even less for a title search. Alot of us have kept the same prices for years - we haven't gone down but we haven't gone up either. Insurance, gas, supplies and us improving our turnaround by utilizing more technology such as laptops, upgraded cell phones allowing emails, etc all have increased our cost ratio to unbearable levels without increases. Can't remain being pulled by both ends and stay standing. But it is all up to everyone out there to make the change. I still believe in me and my abilities and you have to believe in you and your abilities. I have found that most people that have low fees, not all, are not qualified and that is why they are low. I offered to help someone in my state for referrals and they sent me the pricing but did not give me qualifications, and upon repeated email for qualifications because I won't recommend anyone without knowing about them, they would not answer - I figured their qualifications probably matched the fees that were faxed to me.
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