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Interesting Online NON Privacy Article... From USA TODAY - Jason Sheppard/PA
3/3/2006 5:46:51 PM (3073 views)
Re: Interesting Online NON Privacy Article... From USA TODAY - Candis Richter/NJ
3/3/2006 8:58:42 PM (2181 views)

Ohhh... I have to vent... - Loretta Reed/MD
3/3/2006 9:04:57 AM (1703 views)

who is mid-atlantic?&other things - Donna Grady/NC
3/3/2006 1:45:56 AM (3182 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - STEVE MEINECKE/VA
3/3/2006 7:34:57 AM (2430 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - Loretta Reed/MD
3/3/2006 7:57:41 AM (2393 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - STEVE MEINECKE/VA
3/3/2006 10:04:33 AM (2289 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - Robert Franco/OH
3/3/2006 10:18:16 AM (2396 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/3/2006 10:32:40 AM (2399 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - Robert Franco/OH
3/3/2006 10:54:54 AM (2391 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/3/2006 11:06:35 AM (2368 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - Scott Perry/PA
3/3/2006 8:41:35 PM (2311 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/4/2006 3:57:57 AM (2371 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - Scott Perry/PA
3/4/2006 9:28:53 AM (2303 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/4/2006 10:01:01 AM (2269 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - Scott Perry/PA
3/4/2006 3:56:49 PM (2331 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - Robert Breakell/CT
3/4/2006 5:12:14 PM (2234 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - Robert Franco/OH
3/4/2006 4:48:40 PM (2243 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - Lisa Ramsey/TX
3/4/2006 6:47:19 PM (2177 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/3/2006 10:20:00 AM (2356 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - Donna Grady/NC
3/3/2006 11:15:39 PM (2243 views)
Re: who is mid-atlantic?&other things - STEVE MEINECKE/VA
3/4/2006 10:46:56 AM (2267 views)

India outsourcing article - Robert Breakell/CT
3/2/2006 11:41:03 AM (2985 views)
Re: India outsourcing article - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/2/2006 2:33:18 PM (2288 views)

Lisa's Inc. Magazine Article - David Bloys/TX
3/1/2006 9:03:34 PM (3257 views)
Re: Lisa's Inc. Magazine Article - Patrick Scott/IL
3/1/2006 9:30:22 PM (2239 views)
Re: Lisa's Inc. Magazine Article - Scott Perry/PA
3/1/2006 11:16:36 PM (2205 views)
Re: Lisa's Inc. Magazine Article - Lisa Ramsey/TX
3/2/2006 2:51:08 AM (2282 views)
Re: Lisa's Inc. Magazine Article - Scott Perry/PA
3/2/2006 7:17:48 AM (2348 views)
Re: Lisa's Inc. Magazine Article - Robert Breakell/CT
3/2/2006 9:56:44 AM (2311 views)
Re: Lisa's Inc. Magazine Article - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/2/2006 10:42:32 AM (2257 views)
Re: Lisa's Inc. Magazine Article - Jason Sheppard/PA
3/2/2006 11:50:34 AM (2350 views)
Re: Lisa's Inc. Magazine Article - Lisa Ramsey/TX
3/2/2006 1:08:05 PM (2365 views)
Re: Lisa's Inc. Magazine Article - Jason Sheppard/PA
3/2/2006 1:24:11 PM (2330 views)
Re: Lisa's Inc. Magazine Article - Lisa Ramsey/TX
3/2/2006 4:59:05 PM (2307 views)
Re: Lisa's Inc. Magazine Article - Norean Cashwell/GA
3/2/2006 7:31:14 PM (2309 views)

Real Title Services

CMS/ACCUDATA SEARCH - out-of -business - Patty/NJ
3/1/2006 12:42:07 PM (3454 views)
Re: CMS/ACCUDATA SEARCH - out-of -business - John Redhead/NY
3/4/2006 11:32:01 AM (2748 views)
Re: CMS/ACCUDATA SEARCH - out-of -business - Patricia Pratt/NY
3/5/2006 10:52:20 PM (2300 views)

Medicaid Liens - Robert Franco/OH
3/1/2006 12:23:46 PM (2224 views)
Re: Medicaid Liens - Lisa Ramsey/TX
3/1/2006 12:32:34 PM (2465 views)
Re: Medicaid Liens - Robert Franco/OH
3/1/2006 12:46:47 PM (2483 views)
Re: Medicaid Liens - Lisa Ramsey/TX
3/1/2006 1:52:39 PM (2416 views)
Re: Medicaid Liens - Robert Franco/OH
3/1/2006 2:39:43 PM (2427 views)
Re: Medicaid Liens - STEVE MEINECKE/VA
3/1/2006 3:16:04 PM (4042 views)
Re: Medicaid Liens - Robert Franco/OH
3/1/2006 3:32:05 PM (2353 views)

My Article was Published in FortBendNow News - Lisa Ramsey/TX
3/1/2006 12:19:58 PM (3135 views)
Re: My Article was Published in FortBendNow News - Barbara Bennett/IN
3/1/2006 4:51:51 PM (2237 views)
Re: My Article was Published in FortBendNow News - Lisa Ramsey/TX
3/1/2006 6:54:13 PM (2317 views)
Re: My Article was Published in FortBendNow News - Jay Duncan/MO
3/1/2006 6:57:54 PM (2260 views)
Re: My Article was Published in FortBendNow News - Scott Perry/PA
3/1/2006 11:15:35 PM (2362 views)

Just Too Good Not to Share - Lisa Ramsey/TX
3/1/2006 12:16:57 PM (1637 views)

Is the industry really threatened? This may help some of you.... - Jason Sheppard/PA
2/28/2006 11:10:27 PM (1872 views)
Re: Is the industry really threatened? This may help some of you.... - Scott Perry/PA
3/1/2006 12:00:33 AM (2293 views)
Re: Is the industry really threatened? This may help some of you.... - Jason Sheppard/PA
3/1/2006 9:14:09 AM (2252 views)
Re: Is the industry really threatened? This may help some of you.... - L ROLAND/CA
3/1/2006 12:47:07 PM (2178 views)
Re: Is the industry really threatened? This may help some of you.... - Jason Sheppard/PA
3/1/2006 4:40:14 PM (2277 views)

Looks as though others in the industry are feeling threatened... - Jarrod Clabaugh/OH
2/28/2006 4:20:42 PM (3222 views)
Re: Looks as though others in the industry are feeling threatened... - Robert Breakell/CT
2/28/2006 5:50:30 PM (2375 views)

A New Low for Scammers - Jay Duncan/MO
2/28/2006 1:08:09 PM (2025 views)
Re: A New Low for Scammers - Jason Sheppard/PA
2/28/2006 1:10:49 PM (2299 views)
Re: A New Low for Scammers - George Booth/OH
2/28/2006 1:24:49 PM (2349 views)

Just a thought - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/28/2006 11:39:18 AM (1928 views)
Re: Just a thought - James "Lin" Toney/MS
2/28/2006 12:24:59 PM (2296 views)
Re: Just a thought - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/28/2006 12:27:48 PM (2257 views)
Re: Just a thought - Robert Franco/OH
2/28/2006 12:33:02 PM (2379 views)
Re: Just a thought - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/28/2006 12:40:00 PM (2286 views)
Re: Just a thought - James "Lin" Toney/MS
2/28/2006 12:55:46 PM (2374 views)
Re: Just a thought - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/28/2006 1:00:17 PM (2239 views)

Clear Choice Abstracts - Sandra Morton/KS
2/27/2006 4:07:57 PM (2249 views)
Re: Clear Choice Abstracts - J Nisonger/CA
2/27/2006 8:14:26 PM (2498 views)
Re: Clear Choice Abstracts - Sandra Morton/KS
2/27/2006 8:46:29 PM (2747 views)
Re: Clear Choice Abstracts - Langdon Knight/MO
2/28/2006 12:19:26 AM (2504 views)
Re: Clear Choice Abstracts - Edward Huguenin/SC
3/18/2008 11:30:12 AM (2373 views)

A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Jason Sheppard/PA
2/25/2006 6:22:18 PM (3426 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Scott Perry/PA
2/25/2006 7:11:26 PM (2162 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - James "Lin" Toney/MS
2/25/2006 7:36:11 PM (2106 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/26/2006 6:45:16 AM (2231 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - James "Lin" Toney/MS
2/26/2006 8:25:34 AM (2135 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Loretta Reed/MD
2/26/2006 10:02:32 AM (2201 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - STEVE MEINECKE/VA
2/26/2006 12:50:42 PM (2143 views)

Loretta and All abstractors on SOT :
We all need to remember that padding fees is a RESPA violation and is clearly covered in section 8 of their rules. No one is supposed to increase or add fees for a charge that they did not perform. In the case of lines 1102 and 1103 of the HUD-1,(title examination& abstract fees) the fees shown are the fees that are to be paid, and RESPA sets out the fines of about $7k-$10K for each violation.RESPA states clearly that fees are paid specifically for "core" title work, which means one has to do something with regards to actual title examination in order to be able to charge a fee, not just stamp a settlement company name on the file folder! This is finally being enforced by HUD on a much larger scale now also. This is where a lot of settlement companies are making big bucks too. I know of one large company in MD that shows $300 for the title and $300 for examination also, so they charge $600 to the customer for a title that they pay $125 for!!!- I also think the title companies promote this very kind of violation for their agents to get a bigger bang out of each settlement too. Since the settlement fees, title insurance agents fees(60-80%) of the premiums isn't enough of a cut! Another BIG aspect of the RESPA rules per section 8 is that if this is occurring then liability is also apportioned respectively between each as to how much each is paid. As in the case above-the total fees charged is $600 to the customer on the HUD-1 and the company that did the title was paid $125- so the settlement company is liable for about 79% of any claim and the company that did the title would be liable for only 21% of any claim. Liability is clearly defined by RESPA. I am sure the big insurance companies that are promoting this illegal activity are just now starting to realize the implications of this advise or "turning the other way" while their agents that are involved in this whole scheme. Especially with the recent HUD fines being levied against RESPA violators, the Fountainhead Title case reported here on SOT is a good example.
Just one more reason the fees we charge should be an honest and fair fee so we too are not led to this kind price gouging that seems to be rampant with the settlement companies, lenders and real estate firms.

I have another HUD-1 that reflects total title fees paid for the case were in excess of $925 - let us not be fooled, someone is making BIG bucks off our work!! (I have copies of these HUD-1's if anyone would like to "see" the proof)

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Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Loretta Reed/MD
2/26/2006 1:16:55 PM (2171 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - STEVE MEINECKE/VA
2/26/2006 1:25:12 PM (2115 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Jason Sheppard/PA
2/27/2006 7:54:19 AM (2130 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/27/2006 9:13:53 AM (2053 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Jason Sheppard/PA
2/27/2006 9:58:11 AM (2108 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Robert Franco/OH
2/27/2006 10:33:25 AM (2086 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Robert Franco/OH
2/27/2006 10:45:25 AM (2083 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Jason Sheppard/PA
2/27/2006 10:50:39 AM (2082 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Scott Perry/PA
2/27/2006 11:16:58 AM (2149 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/27/2006 11:25:47 AM (2107 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/27/2006 11:19:56 AM (2098 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Jason Sheppard/PA
2/27/2006 5:31:37 PM (2038 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Ellen Malloy/MO
2/27/2006 12:11:27 PM (2025 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Jason Sheppard/PA
2/27/2006 12:28:09 PM (2044 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - George Booth/OH
2/28/2006 1:41:56 PM (2149 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Robert Franco/OH
2/28/2006 1:51:42 PM (2024 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Jason Sheppard/PA
2/28/2006 2:01:06 PM (2010 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - George Booth/OH
2/28/2006 2:11:36 PM (2212 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Barbara Bennett/IN
2/28/2006 3:32:28 PM (1968 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/28/2006 3:42:18 PM (1935 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Barbara Bennett/IN
2/28/2006 4:26:23 PM (1982 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Kevin Ahern/CT
2/28/2006 4:38:05 PM (1913 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Barbara Bennett/IN
2/28/2006 4:51:52 PM (1933 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Robert Breakell/CT
2/28/2006 6:20:25 PM (1896 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Lisa Ramsey/TX
2/28/2006 6:26:00 PM (1811 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Barbara Bennett/IN
2/28/2006 7:19:46 PM (1795 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - George Booth/OH
2/28/2006 6:45:22 PM (1812 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/1/2006 7:16:08 AM (1869 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Robert Franco/OH
3/1/2006 10:46:02 AM (1807 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Ellen Malloy/MO
3/1/2006 9:50:23 AM (1705 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Jason Sheppard/PA
3/1/2006 11:07:03 AM (1692 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - J Nisonger/CA
3/4/2006 5:56:33 PM (1719 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - George Booth/OH
3/7/2006 11:43:56 AM (1748 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - J Nisonger/CA
3/7/2006 12:27:51 PM (1759 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Jason Sheppard/PA
3/7/2006 1:27:23 PM (1734 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - J Nisonger/CA
3/7/2006 6:25:07 PM (1650 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Scott Perry/PA
3/7/2006 7:57:51 PM (1594 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Jason Sheppard/PA
3/7/2006 11:00:40 PM (1717 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Scott Perry/PA
3/7/2006 11:34:02 PM (1606 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Robert Franco/OH
3/8/2006 11:18:12 AM (1650 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Jason Sheppard/PA
3/8/2006 12:16:45 PM (1572 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/8/2006 12:38:28 PM (1687 views)
Re: A Post That Many of You Won't Like - George Booth/OH
3/9/2006 7:49:05 PM (1618 views)

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