What exactly do you consider dumb? It is very difficult to learn abstracting... there are no classes. Yes, I was dumb signing up for an on line course but I was trying every avenue to learn my trade... I thought I was being careful. Had I discussed the course first with our mentor he would have warned me away. Had I asked on SOT at that time I would have been blasted... people on SOT were not exactly nice to newbies. Fortunately that has changed. The first time I wrote about taking this course I was totally embarrassed but my concern about someone else spending money they may not be able to afford on this course was stronger. I honestly do not know what Stephan is offering now but at that time it was not enough and it was a costly mistake on my part. Now that I am "outed" about this it is easier to caution people. I certainly do not think nor would I tell someone they are dumb to take this on line course. I am cautioning them to think about what they are doing.
Now if you are calling Scott dumb... I would really caution you to duck and cover!
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