A few years ago, another large VM did the very same thing. I of course did reply stating that I would not reduce my fees, because they were MY FEES!!! I also asked to be removed from their vendor list if my fees were not satisfactory to them. Unfortunately, this company decided to ignore my response & at the end of the month, when we received their check, any work that I did for them was short by 10%. I immediately contacted them---we refused any and all work from them & sent them to collections. We eventually got paid (ALL OF IT), due to the fact I think, because I had everything documented.
Funny thing is I was contacted by this same company just last month, because they are in desperate need for abstractors in Ohio. They still didn't like my fees (BIg Surprise). They tried the "OLD We'll give you ALL the work we have in such & such county." My reply to that has always been: "What does it matter if I don't make any money on 2 orders or 20 orders". "Usually it is a detriment to work harder for less money." The person that I was speaking to even commented that they don't seem to be having such a problem in the other states, but the Ohio searchers really are giving us problems. Probably because Ohio was one of the first states they ever did business in & the searchers have learned. But I am sure that other abstractors in other states I giving them fits as well. At least I hope they are.
I understand not wanting to lose work on principle, especially when there probably is someone out there who will do whatever they can to get the work. I still have to look at myself in the mirror everyday, and will keep to my principles, even when I am in the poor house. Maybe just my Irish Stubborness, but so be it. That is who I am.
Wanda Steudel
AccuSeach Co
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