Holy crap! Ha ha. I see things have not changed with the Bertrum Group. Well, I thought I'd let you all know that I'm currently involved in litigation with this company. I used to be an "in-house" searcher with these guys. Actually, I was their Philly searcher and generated about 75% of their revenue. I quit back in December and they filed a lawsuit to try to prevent me from competing with them, something which I never had any intention to do. I just got tired of their operation and frankly, I saw first hand some of the messages people would fax or e-mail in requesting payment and it made me nervous about my pay, especially since whenever I or anyone else brought our checks to the bank they were drawn on, we were turned away from cashing them. It's a pretty wide-spread problem. I'm not really sure why, but rest-assured, if you get paid, that means someone else has to wait. Good luck to everyone else, though.
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