Well, I am certainly not for the bail out. Does anyone out there listen to Glenn Beck or Dave Ramsey. Dave has a KISS solution. Cut out the capital gains tax entirely, that would put money into the market and the whole economy in an instant, and not from the fed. Also, cut corporate taxes. The fed got us into this mess to begin with, starting way back with Jimmy Carter, through Bill Clinton. The banks were forced to lend money to low income, unqualified borrowers. If this bail out goes through, we will certainly have no business. No one is lending money now, no purchases to speak of, no re-fi's, and then there will be no foreclosure work either. These bad loans will be modified.
I would like to know why Paulson and Warren Buffet are not being prosecuted for insider trading. Paulson called Buffet on Sunday before he spoke to the nation to ask if his plan was OK. Lo and behold, if Buffet didn't sink $5 Billion into Goldman last week. Paulson was CEO of Goldman. I contact the U. S. Attorney General's office last night. They put Martha Stewart in jail, remember.
I will not vote for anyone on any ticket that votes for this bail out.
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