Well Robert,
I guess you have to protect your business, which is sourceofttile.com and if the majority agree one way - then its in your best interest personally/business wise to side with your customers.
bottom line - if i knew they would not pay then yes - i agree that would be wrong.
but that was not the case. .
I know i did nothing wrong and i hoped that you would take the defense of employees caught in this mess.
i guess taking a look into the situation, or "going against the grain" was not worth risking a loss of a $200.00 SOT sign-up.
My email is on here purposely. No one (including you) sent an email to chat with me? No one (including you) sent an email to talk about it and get my story. This questions the legitimacy of your comments. It shows they are off hearsay and throwing a blog up with limited views/facts is why this site does as much damage as it does help. If you didn't agree, there would not be a (well hidden) disclaimer.
I expect it from bob or sally that lost out on 1000 dollars to be unswayed, but i expected a mediators view from your side and i received your "best interest of the company" (in this case SOT) view.
my motivations are not driven by customers or money and if you can sleep at night throwing people like me under the bus for 200 a pop - then your bed will always be more comfortable then mine.
Thank you to all that took the time to read my comments. I don't assume this blog will be up long however I do respect Robert as a value to this industry and only challenge this specific issue.
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