I would not consider myself a faaaaaaaaaar right winger, however, what I feel most passion about it individuals taking responsibility for themselves. I work hard, you work hard for what we have. Why in the world should I share this with those who don't work hard or at all. I don't think this country was formed on entitlements. Actually, those people looking for a handout back in the day would really be looked down on. I tell my daughter who is a straight A student, how would you feel about sharing your grade with someone that carries a 2.0? Why don't you give them a point so you can both be equal? NO WAY is her response, as everyone's should be. Just like the earned income tax credit? What the hell is that? You get more; way more back than you put in? There will always be worker bees in this country, everyone can't be the owner-boss! It may not be "fair" but life is not fair. NO one gave me anything, I had to build this business on my own, we are debt free, albeit, not much income coming in now..........LOL. A lot of Obama's plans are very socialist and entitlement laiden. I've never met a poor person or lower income person "create" a job. Who creates jobs? Business owners, wealthy people; not the president! I've already had most of my disposible income taken away with this market. Most of the service industry folks that I used to use, I can't anymore. So if that makes me right wing, than so be it. Fiscally I am very conservative, that's what drives me nuts about this country. Our motto seems to be that it's very easy to spend other people's money!
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