I think the great majority are missing the bigger issue here.
It's not about filling the need we should be focused on, its about correcting the behavior that creates that need. We as stewards of this Earth have become gluttenous and voracious regarding its natural resources. I challenge every one of you to take a look at your trash for one week.
How much plastic do you throw away?
How many plastic bags from the store are needed to take your groceries home?
Is it too much to ask that you bring your own reuseable cloth bags with you?
How many times do you "run out real quick for an errand"? Could you have walked or rode your bike?
My wife and I made a pact this summer, any drive less than 5 miles we rode our bike. We were suprised how often we made little trips to the drug store or elsewhere.
Do you drink bottled water? Order coffee to go in the morning? Think about all the wasteful things we use on a daily basis in our lives and simply toss it out with the trash.
I think we need to curb the behavior before we go poking more holes in the ground.
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