Being trained, grown up with and working for attorneys plus reading malpractice policies for what they Don't cover, my title abstract reports ALWAYS have a start date.
Start date:
1. Approximate date agreed on with client/attorney prior to performing the search.
2. Short cut start date is AT LEAST DATE the instrument I start from was SIGNED (not recorded; I've found "reverse recordings" .. oops ... mortgage deed was recorded prior to purchase deed). Depending on start date, clients willingness to pay and my low risk tolerance, a) the usual go back X years for possible federal, state and local liens and utility encumbrances and b) encumbrances listed in start date document (covenants & restrictions document that should be copied so client knows what they are).
Goal: When you received the report and your legal/underwriting/title experts reviewed it, you KNEW when I started and could have called me to engage me to perform additional research. Three months after the closing, don't blame me if I "missed" something 5 years prior to my start date because you were TOO CHEAP to pay me to look back that far :) Hence the "start date."
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