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[-] Title Examiner / Abstractor (Telecommute) - Rebecca Fair/FL (4 replies)
12/23/2008 12:35:51 PM (6025 views)
Whoops...Sorry about the double post. n/m - Rebecca Fair/FL
12/23/2008 2:00:22 PM (4191 views)
Re: Title Examiner / Abstractor (Telecommute) - Kurt deVries/FL
12/26/2008 10:52:39 AM (4277 views)
Re: Title Examiner / Abstractor (Telecommute) - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
12/26/2008 1:28:15 PM (4617 views)
Re: Title Examiner / Abstractor (Telecommute) - William Pattison /CA
1/12/2009 12:49:15 PM (4523 views)

  Sounds like a pile of liability for any researcher too.  You are providing what is online without the ability to access records locally or, in some cases, confirm that the effective date of the records is accurate.  In a few online records systems, the government service provider does not even post an effective date for their records, leaving the public to guess what the date might be.  Given also that most online "telecommuter" records indices have extensive disclosures and disclaimers about their not being reliable, how do you go about providing any assurance of due diligence for work done from many states over?  Answer:  you simply can't do so without lying through your teeth. 

  Example of problem:  San Mateo County, California is "online" but provides only index data and no document images on the internet.  You can see a deed number, date of recording, names of parties as they are indexed, conveyance tax, and situs city, but nothing else.  No effective date of the data is posted on the site.  In addition to this, on a daily basis, the County Recorder has un-indexed instruments from the prior day or two that do not get indexed until late in the morning.  In a county just across the Bay, the Alameda County Recorder is often weeks behind in their indexing.  How you can account for such things from a great distance?  As I noted above, again, you simply can not do so.


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[+] Title Examiner / Abstractor (Telecommute) - Rebecca Fair/FL (1 reply)
12/23/2008 12:34:40 PM (6713 views)

[+] Field Notes - Ellen Maher/MI (5 replies)
12/23/2008 10:34:35 AM (3483 views)

[+] Richard Bolen - Janis Talbot/SC (7 replies)
12/22/2008 10:47:07 AM (3648 views)

[+] GLOBAL TITLE REPORTING SERVICES INC. - Joan Howland/CT (7 replies)
12/22/2008 10:00:45 AM (4126 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Give this Christmas gift to your good clients/vendors! - Slade Smith/OH (3 replies)
12/22/2008 7:22:48 AM (3460 views)

[+] New York Title Abstract - Ron McPherson/IA (4 replies)
12/21/2008 8:26:40 PM (3514 views)

[+] REFERENCES ON ABG - Debbie Thibodeaux/LA (3 replies)
12/18/2008 7:10:05 PM (3532 views)

[+] Lipstick on a Pig? REVISED POSTING - . APS/NY (1 reply)
12/18/2008 4:04:54 PM (3633 views)

[+] Legacy Title (Indiana) - Barbara Bennett/IN (1 reply)
12/17/2008 7:13:52 PM (3715 views)

[+] Remove Disclaimer ??? - Glenda Hodge/TN (49 replies)
12/17/2008 6:47:39 PM (3973 views)

[+] Beware of Richmond Title - Virginia Capps/TN (7 replies)
12/15/2008 5:51:53 PM (3999 views)

[+] HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!! - HEIDI CIMA/PA (3 replies)
12/12/2008 2:15:57 PM (3954 views)

[+] First American Doc Edge Software - ecenteno/NV (5 replies)
12/12/2008 12:17:28 PM (4001 views)

[+] Letter sent re: deed copy for $$ - Clanci Nelson/OH (2 replies)
12/11/2008 10:50:53 AM (3710 views)

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