Ameristar has been persistent in requesting orders, then requesting the same order again three weeks later with different order numbers. Something isn't right about them. They have NEVER been on time with payments. When Jason was there before and Melissa and Juan (who now is no longer able to get to the phone via some excuse about being in a meeting) now; i really didn't have to fight tooth and nail to get paid, but it was still never on a steady basis. NOW? NOT anything at all. I have requested for the accounts payable department, etc... and I am in no need to go run out the door to go to the courthouse for them, especially after being burned by Lenders First Choice as badly as I was. Does anyone know if what James Bertrand told me is true about First American taking over what LFC left behind?
Angela Lawrimore
Lawrmore Title Services
South Carolina
866-488-4114 - fax
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