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[+] Credit Checks for Foreclosure searches - Laurie Puckett/TN (9 replies)
3/23/2009 3:04:21 PM (2580 views)

E&O Insurance - Kelly Schuler/TX
3/23/2009 8:58:05 AM (2102 views)

[+] ValuAmerica...third-party vendor manager...good or bad for industry? - Mike Toebe/KS (2 replies)
3/23/2009 7:42:37 AM (3000 views)

[+] another E&O question - Sheila Sten/PA (10 replies)
3/20/2009 5:44:24 PM (2617 views)

[+] AccuData Search.The Real Story..As I Knew It - AbstractorWatchdog com/NY (24 replies)
3/19/2009 8:04:09 PM (3331 views)

Real Title Services

[+] The Outsourcing Continues... - Jarrod Clabaugh/OH (2 replies)
3/18/2009 12:40:20 PM (2666 views)

[+] E&O - Kenneth Signor/SC (6 replies)
3/17/2009 6:26:25 AM (2550 views)

[+] Interstate Title Search - Gayla Sparks/MO (10 replies)
3/16/2009 2:52:36 PM (3004 views)

Nations Title of ? - AbstractorWatchdog com/NY
3/16/2009 10:47:06 AM (3508 views)

Law Bulletin Information Network - Sheila Sten/PA
3/13/2009 3:43:20 PM (2054 views)

Ashcroft Escrow / Loan Network - Sheila Sten/PA
3/13/2009 2:47:11 PM (2128 views)

[+] Facebook - Clanci Nelson/OH (6 replies)
3/13/2009 11:16:02 AM (2732 views)

[+] Looking for an old friend... - J Nisonger/CA (2 replies)
3/12/2009 4:31:02 PM (2731 views)

[-] New Year of E & O - Wendi See/SC (16 replies)
3/12/2009 4:17:39 PM (2810 views)
Re: New Year of E & O - Ray Young/GA
3/12/2009 4:32:15 PM (2438 views)
Re: New Year of E & O - Wendi See/SC
3/12/2009 6:08:52 PM (2306 views)
Re: New Year of E & O-options to the company dictates - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
3/12/2009 6:00:59 PM (2451 views)


Hold your position on the E&O company- they will try to increase your premium for any number of un-founded reasons- For instance, they say your premium is based on your income- so why does the premium go up when you might have experienced a 50% reduction in income- be sure to question them on that- they just have to reduce it if they hold to their rules.

Then as to this "sub-prime" clause- when doing a title search there is never any indication that a trust or mortgage is "sub prime" we just are not privy to that information-( there are a number of reasons for a reduced interest rate- none of which we would know about the particulars-just might be a "buy down"- we would never know the details anyway) maybe the broker, lender or settlement company would be , but not the title examiner or abstractor. Just let the E&O company know that "sub prime" information ,as far as doing the title, is outside the bounds of your knowledge or need to provide a complete and accurate title examination and is not part of the information provided to do so- it is NOT needed or required or EVER provided and that any such clause included with your policy will be stricken and null & void and should be done by the company so as to be sure it is NOT part of the policy 

Just let them now YOUR position and don't let them dictate "Your payment increases or amendments to the policy"

Steve Meinecke

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Re: New Year of E & O-options to the company dictates - Clanci Nelson/OH
3/13/2009 10:57:00 AM (2219 views)
Re: New Year of E & O-options to the company dictates - STEVE MEINECKE/TN
3/13/2009 11:08:23 AM (2228 views)
Re: New Year of E & O-options to the company dictates - Clanci Nelson/OH
3/13/2009 11:15:10 AM (2203 views)
Re: New Year of E & O - Smitty Strickland/SC
3/13/2009 5:36:51 PM (2124 views)
Re: New Year of E & O - Robert Franco/OH
3/13/2009 6:14:17 PM (2233 views)
Re: New Year of E & O - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/14/2009 7:57:15 AM (2186 views)
Re: New Year of E & O - charles jetter/OH
3/23/2009 11:29:20 AM (2078 views)
Re: New Year of E & O - Jessica Talley/NJ
3/16/2009 9:29:03 AM (2073 views)
Re: New Year of E & O - Clanci Nelson/OH
3/16/2009 10:07:03 AM (2191 views)
Re: New Year of E & O - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/16/2009 10:55:06 AM (2126 views)
Re: New Year of E & O - Wendi See/SC
3/16/2009 11:59:45 AM (2128 views)
Re: New Year of E & O - Robert Franco/OH
3/16/2009 12:20:50 PM (2198 views)
Re: New Year of E & O - Kevin Ahern/CT
3/16/2009 1:21:12 PM (2076 views)

Escrow accounts - Ray Young/GA
3/12/2009 3:20:39 PM (2057 views)

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We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
Cameron...[more info]

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