We have worked for this company for many years and had an excellent relationship with them. In fact we last spoke with them on March 27 regarding a problem we had with a filing they sent to us to record. They were pleasant and kind as always. Then on Monday we called again about a filing...NO ANSWER..seemed odd....another day passes...NO ANSWER. Okay now I am concerned that they may be out of business..so on Thursday we have a representative from our office go to their address and it is cleaned out--NOTHING LEFT. Only person there was a Maintenance worker for the building and he said they cleaned most out over the weekend (3/28/ & 3/29). He said they were in on Monday 3/30 and Tuesday 3/31 and cleaned out the rest. Okay now that type of grap ticks me off. They had to of known that they were closing. And that should be criminal. Maintenance worker also said that Melinda W. the owner said she may try to open again in 6 months. Are you freakin kidding me...How??? How can you screw people out of thousands of dollars just simply close yours doors and reopen under a new name. How can they sleep at night? Maybe there is another explanation, but until Melinda cals me and lets me know--she is the scum of the earth. By the way..Melinda if you end up reading this..you owe us and you know it..have some class and call me to make payment arrangements.
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