Most of the Big nationwide title companies now have offices in India and the Philliphines, they use those offices to do their on line searching, labor is very very cheap in both of those countries.
Probably the only on line counties they do not search are ones that cost money.
And I believe these "searchers" are the actual employee's of the title companies who have over seas offices and they are making alot less than $4.25 a search or even an hour. They probably make $8-10.00 a day.
Unfortunately if you only cover Florida, which I understand is mostly on line, you probably only get the searches that you have to go to the county for.
I do not believe any American abstractor in Florida would be charging $4.25 a search, its being done overseas.
And good luck trying to change that, almost every thing in this country is now being done overseas or in Mexico where labor is also cheap.
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