I had the same exact thing happen to me from the same company just this past week getting the call stating it would be next month for payment, its not a error, they just bald faced lied to us to get the work done! I am sick of this happening to me as well, several years ago I did work for this company and they kept telling me the check was mailed, I never got it, its way too old now 6 plus years and since that time they have called me from time to time and I would always tell them I could not do work for them because they would not pay, gave me a sob story this past month and said that in the past they had had some difficult times but it was better now. I will not plan on doing any more work for them because they have burned that bridge. Now what has happened is they can't get anybody to do the work for them because of the lies! I hope every abstractor reads this and does not do any work for them in any State, not just Mississippi.
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