Michaela, you took the words right out of my mouth. For those of us who work alone, this would require staying up late into the night "typing". Being a one person company I already work late enough and most nights don't spend any time with my family before falling into bed. I actually had a client a couple of years ago ask me to type the searches on their website without a fee raise, they actually stopped sending work to any who raised their fees, because they wrongly thought typing the searches would save US time. WRONG ! Maybe if we could afford to hire a typist, ah but they've asked us to lower our fees so much - who can afford it! I did type some for a while, after weeks of getting into bed after midnight every night I gave that client up. It wasn't worth the time, the money or the stress it caused. I do not regret it. If I felt forced to type searches online I can GUARANTEE that client will get their searches back last, I will do all my fax/scan/email/upload clients work first, basically not caring if I lost that client.
Each person/company is different and you have to decide if its worth it to you. For me it wasnt worth it. Unless you let me raise my fee so I can hire an assistant.......
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