I often wonder the same. I can share with you my experiece on this subject. I am finding that not always but in some cases customers want it cheap an quick, It is very scary. I have had some customers send me a check that was less than the invoice with a note saying this is all we pay for said searches..lol..While the online searches do provided information they are not indexed the same as the title plant information. I started in the title insurstry in the mid 80"s straight out to high school. I have seen how it ahd changed and so has the work ethic's of indivduals. I completley understand wanting to earn a living but some things are not worth skimping on. Also, I do not see how these bargain searcher's can aford E and O Insurance at $30.00 a pop. Also, I have been contacted may times by Abstrators in India and other Counties offering to do my seaching. I dont unstand how they can do that and I dont think I want to.
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