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Denise Williams's Blog

Be Ready - Will the Summer Surge be a 'short game'?
by Denise Williams | 2024/03/02

Numerous conversations this week circled around the pick up of January orders, a better February but not at the pace of January. Volume alone in 2024 could be great.  Some businesses will stick with the short game, but how far will that take them?

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Raise Your Prices and Reduce Your Costs
by Denise Williams | 2023/11/14

If one does not raise the price of the search, a similar impact could be secured by lowering one's costs. Why not do both - increase price and reduce your expenses?  Exploring ways to  building a 'value moat' can lead to price appreciation.  As a result of building efficiencies for your primary customer, they are more loyal.  Efficiencies for your customers can be accomplished at the same time of building efficiences for yourself.

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What's your CRM? ... Salesforce vs. HubSpot - which one I chose & why
by Denise Williams | 2023/08/26

Well I was a long time user of Salesforce going back over a decade, not just a User but ran large scale implementations in SFDC (salesforce dot com). Deployed Lightning to a national sales team of over 350. Managed the tech stack for 2000 technicians using SFDC primarily for work order management.

Before that I was using ACT! ... and wow, had that funky gadget with it's own alphabet.

I've chosen ...

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“Can you send me orders?” & 11 Things to Do When Business is SLOW
by Denise Williams | 2023/08/12


“Can you send me orders?”

“Send business my way! We are looking for orders.” 

“We cover X states / counties.”

“We have the best turnaround times.”

 Although my company is a Technology Company, we often get these order solicitations. We let those soliciting know we don’t have orders to pass along; however, we can set them up for success with the best productivity tools…so when orders do come rolling in, they’re in the best position to say ‘YES -keep it coming’!

Those marketing, asking for business, are laying the groundwork for future work – and quite frankly, now is the time to do this when things are slow. The market may not be demanding of your time with orders, but your business needs you now more than ever.

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Don’t get cherry picked!
by Denise Williams | 2023/08/05

Recently, we had a great conversation with a long-term, industry player. She shared how she’s behind – digitally. She was worried that this has impacted her business, or lack thereof. She was very transparent, sharing how tech was outside her wheelhouse but knew that she needed to make a change.

In so many words, she said her business mix shifted because of this. The more lucrative searches were replaced with searches that were more difficult and problematic, or even the opposite, super simple with tiny margins. The bread-and-butter business, in the middle, had dried up. It sounded like she was getting cherry picked.

But why?


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3 Hard Conversations, you must not avoid.
by Denise Williams | 2023/07/22

Some things are hard, like I really don’t like going to the dentist, although I do it. The same can apply to business. Often, we can stay in the present, grappling with today’s ‘list of to-dos’, and avoid allocating time with the larger levers of business (seeing the dentist ??). 

So here are 3 hard conversations, that should be had. Please… copy this blog post and paste it into your own document - use these questions to clarify your roadmap.

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NS3 - the choices you make now will shape your story - my takeaways
by Denise Williams | 2023/06/14

The NS3 event was a valuable experience, although the attendance fell short of expectations. Despite this, the event excelled in facilitating networking, fostering relationships, and featuring insightful keynote speakers.

One particularly impactful keynote was delivered by Long Doan, who shared his personal journey to success. His harrowing story served as a powerful reminder of life's preciousness and its unpredictable nature.

Given the challenging times, with businesses experiencing significant declines and a stagnant atmosphere, a sense of somberness pervaded the event. However, it is crucial that we refrain from complacency and take action.  
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National Settlement Services Summit NS3 – Listening, Learning & Networking!
by Denise Williams | 2023/06/02

 I’m excited (and fortunate) to be attending the National Settlement Services Summit, NS3, next week along with1,000 other real estate industry leaders to include Executives, Title Agents, Underwriters, Attorneys, Real Estate Agents, Lenders, Technology Providers, and others.


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Manual vs. Automated: Don't Let Outdated Methods Drive Clients to Competitors
by Denise Williams | 2023/05/17

In today's fast-paced business landscape, one area that often presents challenges is how clients and vendors share order information. As a Title Abstractor, you know that each client may have their own method, and it's up to you to pull together orders from various sources into a centralized system. Unfortunately, many abstractors still rely on manual methods for order entry. It's time to consider the impact this has on your efficiency and your attractiveness to clients.

Here’s an example: you receive an $80 order and it takes you 30 minutes to find the email, copy and paste the details, send a confirmation email, and track the ETA - that can take an hour of time.  By investing ~$20 worth of manual effort thus far, the order value is now $60, and no search work has even been done yet. That's 25% of your gross revenue consumed.

Now, wouldn't it be great to recoup all or most of that revenue with more automated processes ... and boost your margins? There are many way to handle
incoming orders, and figuring out your options is a great starting point.

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4 Ways to Navigate the ‘Experience Exodus’- Tech, Talent, and Timing
by Denise Williams | 2023/05/07

The industry is currently witnessing an 'experience exodus,' as seasoned professionals leave their roles. How can companies navigate these challenges and prepare for future success? When valuable experience walks out the door, it takes with it the knowledge gained from months of training, years of experience in company process/workflows, established connections, and a battle-proven work ethic.

However, the exodus isn't solely about retirees or those who have completed their careers. It also includes individuals who have been turned off by the industry's unpredictable nature.


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