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Denise Williams's Blog

Be Ready - Will the Summer Surge be a 'short game'?
by Denise Williams | 2024/03/02 |

Numerous conversations this week circled around the pick up of January orders, a better February but not at the pace of January. Volume alone in 2024 could be great.  Some businesses will stick with the short game, but how far will that take them?

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There are some progressive thinkers.  Actually, not 'early adopter' types but 'early majority' seeking ways to handle the spring pick up and anticipated Fed interest cuts & resulting mortgage rate drops.  Nothings written in stone, yet, many are asking themselves - "Are we ready?"

Over the last 7+ years as the President of the Industry's leading Search Production Software (www.realdocs.us - RDS), I am seeing an appreciating interest in modernizing workflows.  Everyone.  All around.  Most Business Owners and Search Production Leaders realize that TODAY is the day to start working for TOMORROW.

It's a bet. A risk.  The market has been brutal.  But...when it picks up, it's imperative to stay relevant, reliable, fast and accurate.  Relying on yesteryear's workflows won't necessarily do anyone any favors.   

Volume masks.  Yes.  Volume masks problems, deficiencies, weaknesses.  When it's slow, it's time to work ON the business (ie workflows) and when it's busy, it's time to work IN the business (ie orders).

If your Clients love your 'personal touch', will they still love it when they are bombarded with lower price options?  Personal touch is a great unique value, but may not stand the test of time alone.  But blend personal touch with smart workflows and complementary technology - now you are cooking with oil - a powerful trifecta.  

I love talking with my many customers, prospects and industry friends.  Many are prognosticating a consolidation / merging of the abstracting provider market is not too far off.  We all hear about AI growth (I'm actually exploring this myself), and continual off-shore pressure. 

For those 'carbon copying' their 2015 approach, there will be risks of being left behind. Stay attractive for business and purchase in the long game. The market is going to be shifting...and NOW is the time to be proactive and decide how you wish to drive forward. Be ready.

Want to chat?  Let's do it!   

Denise WilliamsReal Document Solutions

Cell 636-439-1637

Office 314-266-8565 

Read more on LinkedIn 



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