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Denise Williams's Blog

“Can you send me orders?” & 11 Things to Do When Business is SLOW
by Denise Williams | 2023/08/12 |


“Can you send me orders?”

“Send business my way! We are looking for orders.” 

“We cover X states / counties.”

“We have the best turnaround times.”

 Although my company is a Technology Company, we often get these order solicitations. We let those soliciting know we don’t have orders to pass along; however, we can set them up for success with the best productivity tools…so when orders do come rolling in, they’re in the best position to say ‘YES -keep it coming’!

Those marketing, asking for business, are laying the groundwork for future work – and quite frankly, now is the time to do this when things are slow. The market may not be demanding of your time with orders, but your business needs you now more than ever.

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12 things to do while business is slow: *

1.      Market your business.

2.      Rethink your business model and processes. opportunity for reflection, refinement, and redesign

3.      Strategic planning. If things generally run well, look at markets, customers, and other trends. Is your strategy still on target? Are there new things you should be considering?

4.      Ask for help. get solid advice that you can take.

5.      Study another industry. The longer you work in an industry, the more you risk becoming myopic. Look at what other types of businesses and endeavors do. How do they solve problem and what might be applicable with a twist to yours?

6.      Network. Feed and expand your network.

7.      Develop new offerings. Consider whether there are new products and services your existing customers and markets might appreciate.

8.      Do competitive research.

9.      Strengthen important relationships.

10. Improve your time management. Things will speed up again and you may find yourself fondly thinking of the extra time you had. Open more of it by using what there is wisely.

11. Personnel development. Help develop your staff members and expand their horizons.

12. Survey customers. What do they think, want, and feel outside of your assumptions? How is your company doing in regards to them? Get some harsh but necessary answers. / Survey employees. Knowing what's going on with people at your company is every bit as important as knowing what the customers are doing.

 A lot of the above is about doing some deeper work internally and externally. Get out of the day-to-day for a moment. Step back with fresh eyes, and you may find some new revelations. 

Some of my best revelations, come with chatting with a colleague or mentor about the problems, barriers and risks, I encounter.  Weighing out where to place my big bets, and how that looks as small bets. 

How do you ‘step back’? Is it quiet contemplation, conversation or writing up your strategic plan? Use your time wisely, don’t wait until you’re busy to invest in the future. 

I invite you to connect with me on LinkedIn. We can set up time to chat. I’m happy to engage.  

Denise Williams 

Real Document Solutionsyour trusted technology partner for the title abstract, document retrieval and title industries. Follow me on LinkedIn. If you have a topic you’d like to suggest, please email me at Denise@RDSteam.us 

Thank you.

Copywrite 2023 Denise Williams

* List curated from Inc.com


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