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[+] Pristine Title Services, LLC non-payer - Patty Baber/CA (4 replies)
11/26/2024 11:36:24 AM (732 views)

[-] Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Denise. Williams./MO (29 replies)
11/25/2024 8:55:38 AM (1014 views)
Fines for non-compliance - James Powell/MI
11/25/2024 10:25:36 AM (527 views)
Re: Fines for non-compliance - Denise. Williams./MO
12/2/2024 9:35:13 AM (333 views)
Re: Fines for non-compliance - Randi Erickson/MN
12/17/2024 12:41:12 PM (354 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Randi Erickson/MN
12/11/2024 12:13:24 PM (254 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - James Powell/MI
12/11/2024 12:32:07 PM (254 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Randi Erickson/MN
12/11/2024 12:48:12 PM (649 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Randi Erickson/MN
12/11/2024 12:49:05 PM (269 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Robert Franco/OH
12/11/2024 1:16:02 PM (563 views)

The keyword there being "unreasonable."  I don't think that clearly addresses the BOI issue.  It would be reasonable so long as the government had a legitimate reason for requiring the information.  Preventing tax fraud, money laundering, etc., may be a sufficient governmental interest.  

Besides, the federal court did NOT find this to be a 4th Amendment issue - they ruled it was likely unconstitutional under the 10th Amendment - that Congress exceeded its authority in passing the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA).  It found this to be a "substantial expansion of commerce power" because it really didn't regulate economic activity or non-economic activity among the states.

I still filed my BOI report... it only took a couple of minutes, and I don't want to have to worry about whether the law is ultimately upheld. 

Robert A. Franco

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Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Denise. Williams./MO
12/11/2024 1:28:36 PM (708 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Randi Erickson/MN
12/11/2024 1:31:44 PM (376 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Michelle Smith/MO
12/17/2024 12:23:54 PM (235 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Michelle Smith/MO
12/17/2024 12:23:57 PM (244 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Denise. Williams./MO
12/23/2024 12:21:53 PM (230 views)
New FinCEN BOIR reqs. in effect - Denise. Williams./MO
12/24/2024 9:38:28 AM (430 views)
Re: New FinCEN BOIR reqs. in effect - Denise. Williams./MO
12/30/2024 9:09:45 AM (187 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Laura Bistok/PA
12/23/2024 6:31:05 PM (187 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - george Hubka/MI
12/23/2024 9:33:51 PM (216 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Laura Bistok/PA
12/23/2024 6:31:07 PM (204 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Laura Bistok/PA
12/23/2024 6:31:09 PM (206 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Laura Bistok/PA
12/23/2024 6:31:11 PM (208 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Laura Bistok/PA
12/23/2024 6:31:12 PM (215 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Laura Bistok/PA
12/23/2024 6:31:14 PM (223 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Denise. Williams./MO
12/24/2024 9:41:26 AM (288 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Denise. Williams./MO
12/30/2024 9:09:11 AM (219 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Helga Hinck/NH
1/10/2025 3:08:23 PM (213 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Denise. Williams./MO
1/13/2025 9:23:57 AM (171 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Elizabeth Helman/PA
1/14/2025 10:56:48 AM (194 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Denise. Williams./MO
1/14/2025 11:12:13 AM (229 views)
Re: Do you have an LLC? most LLCs are now required to do a BOI report. - Denise. Williams./MO
1/30/2025 9:01:13 AM (80 views)

[+] Fintrust Title - Diane Sherrill/SC (2 replies)
11/20/2024 10:21:43 AM (525 views)

Direct Title Services - Good Payor - Naomi Backes/NC
11/18/2024 10:55:49 AM (611 views)

[+] Comment on "ALTA Foundation Donates $21K in Emergency Grants Following Hurricanes" - Source of Title/OH (1 reply)
11/18/2024 10:24:54 AM (321 views)

[+] SPECIFIC # OF YEARS SEARCH - Greg Bloom/VA (6 replies)
11/18/2024 9:07:38 AM (791 views)

Taimsq Technologies LLC non-payer - Patty Baber/CA
11/14/2024 2:29:52 PM (387 views)

[+] 100 yr Commercial Search Price - Saundra  Scott/MD (7 replies)
11/6/2024 1:31:34 PM (1198 views)

[+] Sending order to Vendor... - Denise Williams/MO (1 reply)
11/3/2024 10:16:55 PM (812 views)

[+] Lien search - Senthil Muniyandi/TX (4 replies)
10/30/2024 5:56:17 PM (911 views)

[+] New Search Order comes in... - Denise Williams/MO (3 replies)
10/27/2024 10:02:52 AM (1270 views)

[+] Some advice - Kara Foster-Morales/OH (1 reply)
10/19/2024 10:38:59 AM (1193 views)

[+] Notary signing agents thoughts - Amy Tatusko/VA (2 replies)
10/15/2024 6:24:31 PM (645 views)

[+] Top Ten Ways To Keep Clients Happy - Ben Wilczynski/PA (2 replies)
10/15/2024 2:45:39 PM (930 views)

[+] FIERI FACIAS Lien's - Smith Anderson/TX (1 reply)
10/3/2024 12:52:09 AM (973 views)

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