Hi all!
Ben with Veracity here. I hope everyone is doing OK out there.
I cannot believe that in the year of our lord 2025 I still have to ask folks to make sure their summary matches their doc copies, and vice versa.
"Why should I have to list all the deeds? I gave you all the copies!" I hear this all the time.
Here's why: if you don't give me a list, HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW FOR SURE THAT YOU GAVE ME ALL THE COPIES???
What if you forgot one? What if your scanner skipped one? What if your finger slipped? What if your computer glitched for a second and you didn't notice? I couldn't begin to count the number of times an abstractor has told me "Oops, sorry, guess the scanner ate that one!" Happens all the time, once a week at least, so that's at least 1300 times in my career I've had that conversation.
Please. I beg you. If it's cited on the summary, there should be a copy in the bundle, and if there's a copy in the bundle, it should be cited on the summary. Please.
Thank you!
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