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SAMTQ FOLLOW UP - Michael Rosing/IL
2/3/2025 7:39:31 PM (70 views)

[+] SAMTQ - Michael Rosing/IL (1 reply)
2/3/2025 2:28:06 PM (78 views)

[-] Resolute Title Services, LLC - Adam Felix/PA (2 replies)
2/1/2025 7:14:11 PM (248 views)

Anyone else have issues with getting paid from them? I did work for them back on December 7th, and they promised me the check would be cut on or before the 15th of January. The check is still not here, and I was promised on the 23rd of January it was sent out that day. On January 29th I reached back out to them and the said it wasn't sent on the 23rd but will be in the mail that day. 

Just want to see if anyone else out there has had any issues with them in the past. I think come Tuesday if the check isn't here, I will file a civil action to get my money.

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Re: Resolute Title Services, LLC - Thomas  rossi/RI
2/3/2025 9:06:23 AM (84 views)
Re: Resolute Title Services, LLC - Adam Felix/PA
2/4/2025 12:37:36 PM (19 views)

LendServ - Brad Abrahamson/MN
1/28/2025 10:48:42 AM (213 views)

[+] VKM Title - Frances Hayes/DE (1 reply)
1/27/2025 2:59:38 PM (326 views)

Cloud9 - Non Payer - David King/VA
1/21/2025 5:41:53 PM (264 views)

[+] EXPRESS ABSTRACTING & TITLE - Michael Rosing/IL (3 replies)
1/20/2025 12:19:12 PM (438 views)

[+] FEE FOR DOCUMENT RETRIEVAL FOR MARYLAND - Saundra  Scott/MD (15 replies)
1/14/2025 10:12:37 AM (334 views)

[+] Lawmakers - Buy America Act (BAA) - Denise. Williams./MO (4 replies)
1/13/2025 9:40:23 AM (558 views)

[+] Leah Dominguez - SETH Rama/OH (1 reply)
1/10/2025 5:53:33 PM (744 views)

[+] PROCURE TITLE - Saundra  Scott/MD (5 replies)
1/4/2025 10:02:40 AM (456 views)

PROWESS TITLE - Michael Rosing/IL
12/16/2024 12:29:35 PM (435 views)

Whitney Title out of CA Non payor - Joyce Harper/OH
12/13/2024 3:49:03 PM (366 views)

[+] EXPRESS ABSTRACTING & TITLE SERVICES LLC - Christopher Wigg/CA (3 replies)
12/13/2024 3:29:13 PM (745 views)

[+] AVANZE - Michael Rosing/IL (5 replies)
12/3/2024 2:00:51 PM (784 views)

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