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[-] Six weeks with Sharon Howard, Doug Bartle and Vision Land Service, LLC - David Case/TN (2 replies)
7/28/2010 12:44:37 PM (14170 views)

In a recent post entitled Vision Land Service, Rita Killary encourages readers of this forum to give Sharon Howard and Vision Land Service "a chance" in spite of posts to the contrary by other SOT members.

Apparently Ms. Killary has recently enjoyed a positive experience with Sharon Howard and Vision Land Service. I'm glad for her and hope that her luck with them holds out.

My experience with Sharon Howard,  Vision Land Service, LLC, and one Mr. Douglas Bartle is quite different.

On March 25, 2010, I received this email message from my answering service:

"Sharon Howard
Re: Would like to ge some title work done approximately 20 per month, pls call asap"

I responded right away and one Mr. Doug Bartle answered the call. He explained that their company, Vision Land Service of Orlando, Florida, needed help with the gazillions of Tennessee title orders they were receiving. Over the next several weeks Doug Bartle sent me the eight orders for Tennessee title work set out below.  The reference numbers are theirs.

UTL-TN- 3221
[Name and Address Redacted]

UTL-TN- 3222
[Name and Address Redacted]
UTL-TN- 3224
[Name and Address Redacted]

UTL-TN- 3425
[Name and Address Redacted]

[Name and Address Redacted]

[Name and Address Redacted]

[Name and Address Redacted]

[Name and Address Redacted]

What follows are excerpts from emails concerning said orders. Mr. Bartle's emails are blue. My responces are in black italics.

Mar 25 - Doug Bartle to David Case

Hello David,

Below are the three orders we have received today:

UTL-TN- 3221
[Name and Address Redacted]

UTL-TN- 3222
[Name and Address Redacted]
UTL-TN- 3224
[Name and Address Redacted]

Thank you and I look forward to our working together,

      Mar 25 - David Case to Doug Bartle

      Thank you for the orders Doug.
     I will get the Knox County order to you this afternoon.
     I will drive to Blount County tomorrow AM for the other two.
     David Case

Mar 25 - Doug Bartle to David Case

WOW thanks David!  We will give you first right of refusal of all our TN work.
Thanks again!

      Mar 25 - David Case to Doug Bartle
     Greetings Doug
     Attached please find my current owner report for Knox County Tennessee - [Name and Address Redacted].
     My invoice for $50.00 will follow.
     I normally request payment via PayPal for each report for online clients before sending out the reports.
     Due to the volume you indicate might follow, I will just send the reports as I do them.
    What is your standard payment method?
   David Case

Mar 25 - Doug Bartle to David Case
Hi David,

We are happy to pay in the manner that is most convenient for you. Normally, we receive an invoice and are net 14 days for payment.  If that works for you we will put you in our normal cycle.
Thank you again,


Doug Bartle
Vision Land Service
888-399-8474 Office
407-463-0119 Cell

     Mar 25 - David Case to Doug Bartle

     Attached please find my Invoice for Knox County TN - LOT 18, BLOCK B, HIGHVUE ACRES SUBDIVISION, UNIT 3.
     Thank You.

Mar 25 - Doug Bartle to David Case

Hi David,

I was wondering if you would be completing these last two searches?

Thanks very much and have a great weekend,

     Mar 25 - David Case to Doug Bartle

     I've done them and will be sending them to you shortly.
     - David Case

Apr 7 - Doug Bartle to Doug Bartle
Thank you David!
Is it ok with you if I just send you one check combining all your invoices to date?

Doug Bartle
Vision Land Service
888-399-8474 Office
407-463-0119 Cell

Apr 22 - Doug Bartle to David Case
Hi David,
Below is another new order.
Also, please let me know if you would like me to send you a new check via FedEx as I did not hear back yesterday.

Doug Bartle
Vision Land Service
888-399-8474 Office
407-463-0119 Cell

      Apr 22 - David Case to Doug Bartle
     Greetings Doug
      To make things simple I have just invoiced you via PayPal for all work to date, including the latest ([Name Redacted] County: Anderson) which I will send you shortly.
     I will return your paper check when it arrives.


     David Case

Apr 23 - Doug Bartle to David Case
Hi David,

I am doing that paypal this morning.
I am not too familiar with that so I will send you an email as soon as I have completed it.

Thank you and Happy Friday!

Doug Bartle
Vision Land Service
888-399-8474 Office
407-463-0119 Cell

Apr 26 - Doug Bartle to David Case
Hi David,

I am trying to figure out the Paypal thing.  I am not too well versed in that.

Are you waiting to send the Anderson TN file because you have yet to receive payment?
I just need to know so I can communicate with my clients.

Thank you,

Doug Bartle
Vision Land Service
888-399-8474 Office
407-463-0119 Cell

      May 10 - David Case to Doug Bartle

     Notice of Irrevocable Revocation of Certification of Title for failure to pay legal fees re:

     Search Type: Current Owner Search
     Borrower: [Name and Address Redacted]

      Lender: AQUA FINANCE INC.
      Security Instrument: Financing Statement
     Recorded: 3/22/2010 at 10:13:33 AM as Instrument 201003220059538, Knox County, Tennessee, Register of Deeds Office COPY ATTACHED

     Lender's Agent: Vision Land Service, LLC, Orlando, FL
     Principal Address: 668 N. ORLANDO AVE. #1007, MAITLAND FL 32751
     Mailing Address: 668 N. ORLANDO AVE. #1007, MAITLAND FL 32751
     Registered Agent Name & Address: BARTLE, DOUG W JR., 668 N. ORLANDO AVE. #1007, MAITLAND FL 32751 US
     Date of Order: March 25, 2010 Copy of order attached
     Terms: Net 14 days
     Payments to date: $0.00

     The aforementioned Current Owner Search is hereby revoked for fundamental breach of contract, to wit, failure to pay for services rendered as agreed. All certifications and assurances, whether explicit or implied, as well as any and all liabilities arising therefrom, are hereby terminated.

     Neither Vision Land Service, LLC, of Orlando, FL; AQUA FINANCE INC of Wausau, WI; their assignees or asigns, nor any third party claiming through them, may rely on the above described evidence of title, in whole or in part, for any purpose whatsoever.

     A copy of this Irrevocable Revocation of Certification of Title will be placed of record in the Knox County, Tennessee, Register of Deeds Office, cross referenced to the aforementioned Financing Statement securing AQUA FINANCE INC recorded as Instrument 201003220059538.

My last email (above) produced this quick response from Mr. Bartle:

May 10 - Doug Bartle to David Case

I must apologize for our not paying your invoice. 

My father passed away very unexpectedly and I have been having a very rough time as my dad and I were very close.

Please send me your PayPal information again and I will send you the funds.

Again, I am terribly sorry if we appeared dishonest.

As of this morning I have yet to receive any payment for any of the work I performed for Sharon Howard,  Vision Land Service, LLC, and Mr. Douglas Bartle.

More to come.



- David Case




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Re: Six weeks with Sharon Howard, Doug Bartle and Vision Land Service, LLC - Arlene Nelson/NY
7/28/2010 2:32:48 PM (3896 views)
Re: Six weeks with Sharon Howard, Doug Bartle and Vision Land Service, LLC - Alix Ott/MI
8/2/2010 6:35:45 PM (3552 views)

[+] HELP! VLTA spam - Constance Foye/VA (1 reply)
7/28/2010 12:32:42 PM (3387 views)

[+] Comment on "ALTA Urges FHA to Prohibit Private Transfer Fees on Conventional Mortgages" - Source of Title/OH (8 replies)
7/27/2010 5:29:52 PM (3474 views)

[+] Frist American Title( Metroplitan Title) Brighton, MI NO PAY - Carla Curry/KY (2 replies)
7/27/2010 1:20:09 PM (3687 views)

[+] Vision Land Service... - Rita Killary/NY (9 replies)
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[+] Comment on "New Louisiana Law on Title Searches" - Source of Title/OH (4 replies)
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[+] Applied Technology Resources Inc - Barbara Bennett/IN (2 replies)
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[+] Portland Maine now charging for property tax information - Nils Nelson/ME (12 replies)
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[+] Comment on "Pilot Program in Cook County (IL) Requires Notaries to Get Thumbprints" - Source of Title/OH (4 replies)
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[+] Onondaga Abstract, Inc ???? - george Hubka/MI (14 replies)
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[+] Comment on "President Signs Wall Street Reform Bill" - Source of Title/OH (12 replies)
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