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[+] Interesting Read - The Madness that Plagues Title Examiners - Jay Duncan/MO (5 replies)
8/9/2017 5:26:36 PM (4281 views)

[+] Alert: Spoofed Email Appears to Come from ALTA CEO - Angela Sharp/CA (1 reply)
8/8/2017 6:07:49 PM (2825 views)

Title and Land trust - Laura Fey/IL
8/8/2017 2:25:36 PM (1772 views)

[+] Title IT Inc anyone heard of them? - John Baker/OH (10 replies)
8/8/2017 11:28:08 AM (2097 views)

[+] Sure2Balance, LLC - Jim A/WV (3 replies)
8/8/2017 9:58:46 AM (3899 views)

Real Title Services

USLANDRECORDS - stephen willard/OH
8/7/2017 8:52:35 AM (2530 views)

[+] Mentally Challenged - Alix Ott/MI (5 replies)
8/3/2017 7:19:02 AM (2838 views)

[+] Southeran Land and Title - Larry Platt/PA (14 replies)
8/3/2017 5:07:16 AM (2818 views)

[+] DM Title Services - Amy Johnson/MS (2 replies)
8/1/2017 12:28:01 PM (2661 views)

[+] ProTitleUSA - Larry Platt/PA (8 replies)
7/31/2017 10:25:48 AM (2815 views)

[+] Realty Data non-payment - John Rawlings/WI (9 replies)
7/31/2017 9:55:20 AM (2813 views)

[+] Non-Payment - Debra Hartsburg/IN (8 replies)
7/26/2017 11:55:54 AM (2503 views)

Eye Wiitness Signing LLC - Carlyle Millard/WV
7/24/2017 10:08:31 PM (1817 views)

[+] Land Coast Title - NON PAYER - Sarah  Stewart/MS (5 replies)
7/24/2017 9:45:21 AM (2025 views)

[-] Lien Position - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL (3 replies)
7/20/2017 1:29:25 PM (2147 views)
Re: Lien Position - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL
7/21/2017 7:43:08 AM (1925 views)
Re: Lien Position - Robert Franco/OH
7/21/2017 8:45:01 AM (1886 views)
That would be the usual result, but not always.  Recording statutes are of three varieties: race, notice, or race-notice.  In Ohio for example, mortgage priority is determined by first to file (race).  Other liens, however, are determined by the first to file without knowledge of any prior (unrecorded) transaction (race-notice). Recording statutes vary by state, so you could get a different answer in different jurisdictions.  

And, it is possible to have lenders in equal priority with some sort of participation agreement, or with a syndicated loan.   These are rare and probably only used with complex commercial financing that requires very large sums of money.    
Robert A. Franco
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Re: Lien Position - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL
7/21/2017 10:27:47 AM (1897 views)

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