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Xtreme Arrow Trading LLC - Ray Glowniak/CA
12/28/2017 1:06:28 PM (2417 views)

What would future hold for land / property title industry? - Don (Chunshen) Li/GA
12/26/2017 11:03:39 AM (2416 views)
Re: What would future hold for land / property title industry? - Victoria Moate/NJ
12/26/2017 11:50:48 AM (2242 views)
Re: What would future hold for land / property title industry? - Don (Chunshen) Li/GA
12/26/2017 12:48:14 PM (2189 views)
Re: What would future hold for land / property title industry? - Victoria Moate/NJ
12/26/2017 1:11:16 PM (2043 views)
Re: What would future hold for land / property title industry? - James Powell/MI
12/26/2017 2:05:17 PM (2061 views)
Re: What would future hold for land / property title industry? - Francesca Pascavage/NJ
1/2/2018 10:39:45 AM (4479 views)
Re: What would future hold for land / property title industry? - Victoria Moate/NJ
1/8/2018 4:17:10 PM (4436 views)

VK DATA TECH - John Baker/OH
12/26/2017 10:03:38 AM (2156 views)

Happy Holidays !! - Drew  Shaw/GA
12/22/2017 10:52:02 PM (2117 views)
Re: Happy Holidays !! - Robert Franco/OH
12/25/2017 8:10:17 PM (1974 views)
Re: Happy Holidays !! - Norean Pate/GA
12/26/2017 8:46:12 AM (1769 views)

Centnode? - Serena Stout/VA
12/22/2017 5:18:12 PM (2615 views)
Re: Centnode? - Smitty Strickland/SC
12/24/2017 6:07:18 PM (2156 views)
Re: Centnode? - Toni Shepherd/MS
12/26/2017 10:05:03 AM (2057 views)
Re: Centnode? - Serena Stout/VA
12/26/2017 2:58:55 PM (1998 views)
Re: Centnode? - Toni Shepherd/MS
12/26/2017 3:06:49 PM (2054 views)
Re: Centnode? - Jay Duncan/MO
12/26/2017 12:23:36 PM (6175 views)
Re: Centnode? - Smitty Strickland/SC
12/26/2017 1:17:21 PM (2030 views)
Re: Centnode? - Jay Duncan/MO
12/26/2017 1:57:14 PM (2003 views)
Re: Centnode? - Smitty Strickland/SC
12/26/2017 1:59:49 PM (1977 views)
Re: Centnode? - Serena Stout/VA
12/26/2017 2:54:53 PM (1996 views)
Re: Centnode? - Jay Duncan/MO
12/26/2017 3:04:13 PM (1999 views)
Re: Centnode? - Bill Britt/VA
1/10/2018 5:11:10 PM (1782 views)

Weird emails about closing docs - Stephanie Guilliams/VA
12/19/2017 11:23:31 PM (2575 views)
Re: Weird emails about closing docs - Robert Franco/OH
12/20/2017 8:19:34 AM (2151 views)
Re: Weird emails about closing docs - Alix Ott/MI
12/26/2017 8:38:11 AM (2083 views)
Re: Weird emails about closing docs - Anita Backlund/MN
12/26/2017 1:11:29 PM (1920 views)
Re: Weird emails about closing docs - Heidi Gemeling/FL
1/4/2018 6:45:51 AM (2117 views)
Re: Weird emails about closing docs - Victoria Moate/NJ
1/8/2018 4:17:55 PM (1812 views)

Storage probates (across the street) Middlesex County - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/19/2017 8:02:49 PM (1712 views)

Abstractopia/Kym Dewees - monica froese/ME
12/19/2017 10:19:58 AM (2499 views)
Re: Abstractopia/Kym Dewees - Susan Raynard/MA
12/26/2017 10:02:53 AM (2285 views)
Re: Abstractopia/Kym Dewees - Richard Primmer/RI
12/27/2017 10:21:35 AM (2209 views)
Re: Abstractopia/Kym Dewees - Susan Raynard/MA
12/27/2017 10:26:05 AM (2404 views)

Bedford, Ohio, Fee Increase - Robert Franco/OH
12/19/2017 8:37:55 AM (2032 views)
Re: Bedford, Ohio, Fee Increase - george Hubka/MI
1/3/2018 12:50:54 AM (1988 views)

Qualia - Smitty Strickland/SC
12/18/2017 5:28:44 PM (5049 views)

Land Services USA ? - Dianne Barnidge/MS
12/18/2017 11:39:14 AM (2537 views)

NY closer gratuities - Chris Hohenfels/VA
12/18/2017 10:59:50 AM (2149 views)
Re: NY closer gratuities - Daniel Silverburg/CA
12/20/2017 7:02:41 PM (2519 views)
Re: NY closer gratuities - Chris Hohenfels/VA
12/21/2017 8:03:52 AM (2562 views)
Re: NY closer gratuities - Joel Holstad/MN
12/26/2017 9:32:39 AM (2028 views)
Re: NY closer gratuities - Daniel Silverburg/CA
1/2/2018 9:50:58 AM (1858 views)
Re: NY closer gratuities - Victoria Moate/NJ
1/2/2018 12:09:21 PM (1917 views)
Re: NY closer gratuities - Victoria Moate/NJ
1/2/2018 12:10:06 PM (1885 views)

Rates - John Fine/NC
12/14/2017 11:21:03 AM (2558 views)
Re: Rates - Naomi Backes/NC
12/19/2017 6:49:35 PM (2355 views)
Re: Rates - Robert Franco/OH
12/20/2017 8:28:31 AM (2412 views)
Re: Rates - Naomi Backes/NC
12/20/2017 10:00:46 AM (2292 views)
Re: Rates - John Fine/NC
12/20/2017 11:36:48 AM (2460 views)
Re: Rates - F P/VA
1/1/2018 1:32:09 PM (2153 views)

I have to disagree with you on it coming down to quality and speed.  I have been offering quality and speed for over 20 years, however, I have lost client after client because some one did it cheaper. Not faster, not fewer mistakes, just cheaper.  I will tell you that in Virginia I charge $45.00 for a current owner and have been told by previously loyal clients that another abstractor is dong them for $25.00, and if I wanted to continue to receive work I had to do them for $20.00 (I declined).  This has been said to me by several different clients.  And I've said this before about Virginia.  Because of companies sending work overseas, abstractors have become so desperate for work they agree to lower their fee to $25.00 or even $20.00, and most all of them will NEVER admit this.  I know this for a fact because after 20 years in the industry I have true friends and some family that work at various title companies and banks and they have told me who is getting the work and how much they are charging, how they regularly turn the work in late and there's mistakes on almost every order .  It's not about the title companies providing a quality product; the banks are pressuring them for low bulk rate fees to get a big chunk of the banks orders. So the title companies have no choice but to go with the lowest bidder.  It's all about the bottom line. It's not about quality or speed or loyalty. It's all about the money. You say money isn't everything.  I say money is the ONLY thing.  

That being said, I've started to see a change.  Recently one of my biggest clients lost a big bank account, a bank that a relative of mine works at.  It was one of those title companies that pressured their abstractor to fees of $25.00 and $20.00.  The bank finally got tired of all the mistakes and pulled their account.  They're now paying another title company more money to use quality abstractors.  I can only hope that other banks are getting fed up with all the mistakes and follow suit.  I don't mind being proved wrong.

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Re: Rates - Robert Franco/OH
1/1/2018 7:33:30 PM (2000 views)
1/2/2018 9:19:45 AM (1874 views)
Re: Rates - Rita Killary/NY
1/2/2018 11:10:29 AM (1957 views)
Re: Rates - John Fine/NC
12/20/2017 11:25:31 AM (2213 views)

Golden Title Agency - Lucille Femine/TN
12/14/2017 10:07:47 AM (2466 views)
Re: Golden Title Agency - Crystal Hernandez/OH
12/14/2017 12:03:52 PM (2278 views)
Re: Golden Title Agency - Joyce Froelich/NM
12/18/2017 5:37:02 PM (2175 views)

NALTEA emails - Wanda Steudel/OH
12/13/2017 1:16:44 PM (2543 views)
Re: NALTEA emails - Smitty Strickland/SC
12/13/2017 1:37:02 PM (2094 views)

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