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9/10/2017 6:09:48 PM (1723 views)

Heard of SBS Valuation and Title Solutions - DB Title Solutions/CA
9/5/2017 6:07:57 PM (3487 views)
Re: Heard of SBS Valuation and Title Solutions - Regina  Engebritson/MN
9/11/2017 10:20:45 AM (3236 views)
Re: Heard of SBS Valuation and Title Solutions - george Hubka/MI
9/11/2017 1:07:44 PM (2553 views)
Re: Heard of SBS Valuation and Title Solutions - John Baker/OH
9/18/2017 10:22:22 AM (2435 views)

9/2/2017 11:46:40 AM (5014 views)
9/4/2017 10:21:55 AM (2000 views)
9/10/2017 6:06:26 PM (1945 views)
9/10/2017 7:43:15 PM (1876 views)

Payment history - WAYNE QUICK/NC
8/25/2017 10:34:22 AM (2857 views)
Re: Payment history - WAYNE QUICK/NC
8/26/2017 7:47:05 PM (2345 views)
Re: Payment history - Ray Glowniak/CA
8/28/2017 12:58:39 AM (2110 views)
Re: Payment history - WAYNE QUICK/NC
8/28/2017 8:45:52 AM (2017 views)
Re: Payment history - Shelby Vargo/SC
9/5/2017 4:02:16 PM (1968 views)

To avoid law suit or for a better defense - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL
8/23/2017 4:46:31 PM (2487 views)
Re: To avoid law suit or for a better defense - James Powell/MI
8/24/2017 8:58:46 AM (2041 views)
Re: To avoid law suit or for a better defense - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL
8/24/2017 4:02:36 PM (2032 views)
Re: To avoid law suit or for a better defense - James Powell/MI
8/28/2017 10:26:31 AM (4692 views)
Re: To avoid law suit or for a better defense - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL
8/29/2017 5:54:52 PM (1929 views)
Re: To avoid law suit or for a better defense - James Powell/MI
8/30/2017 8:53:45 AM (1890 views)
Re: To avoid law suit or for a better defense - Robert Franco/OH
8/30/2017 10:53:37 AM (1846 views)
Re: To avoid law suit or for a better defense - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL
8/30/2017 4:01:50 PM (1886 views)
Re: To avoid law suit or for a better defense - Jeffrey Land/NJ
8/28/2017 10:08:37 AM (1906 views)

There are thousands of ways for people to get our email addresses. We use our email several hundred times a week with customers and vendors of all types and all it takes is one bad apple in the group to use this information to try and fool someone.  You don't have to be some Russian hacker to find this information.  Social media sometimes give away clues too....the happy real estate agent who announces that one of their listings is under contract on Facebook or Twitter.  The giddy loan officer who does a new homeowner seminar together with a representative of a title agency and they use constant contact to blast it out to large email lists.  Suddenly you know who has working relationships.  In New Jersey the title agencies, in order to get priority position on their upcoming transaction, file Notices of Settlement in the public records saying who is involved in the transaction and anyone can look and see which title company is involved in the transaction.  The information used in these wire scams come from everyday releases of information we do without thinking it could be used against us.  Anyone with enough time on their hands can figure this stuff out without having to resort to overseas data mines.  There are already enough loose lips in this industry to sink an entire industry fleet.

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Real Title Services

Property Abstractors ? - Judy Maclauchlan/LA
8/21/2017 5:22:36 PM (4584 views)
Re: Property Abstractors ? - Smith Jhonson/CA
8/22/2017 1:26:40 PM (2697 views)
Re: Property Abstractors ? - MICHELLE TURNER/OH
8/23/2017 10:25:53 AM (2532 views)
Re: Property Abstractors ? - Andreina Fowler/TX
8/23/2017 10:55:08 AM (5646 views)
Re: Property Abstractors ? - MICHELLE TURNER/OH
8/23/2017 11:18:50 AM (2608 views)
Re: Property Abstractors ? - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/4/2017 11:38:19 AM (1692 views)
Re: Property Abstractors ? - James Powell/MI
12/5/2017 12:53:33 PM (4671 views)
Re: Property Abstractors ? - Leigh Attridge/MA
12/7/2017 9:24:08 AM (1833 views)
Re: Property Abstractors ? - Kristina Leitch/MD
12/8/2017 8:44:48 AM (1635 views)
Re: Property Abstractors ? - REBECCA RIZZONELLI/PA
8/1/2018 4:14:09 PM (1574 views)

Closing down your title searching company. - JAMES RYAN/MD
8/21/2017 11:39:49 AM (3265 views)
Re: Closing down your title searching company. - Philip Apter/CT
8/21/2017 12:16:11 PM (3063 views)
Re: Closing down your title searching company. - JAMES RYAN/MD
8/21/2017 12:31:14 PM (2844 views)
Re: Closing down your title searching company. - Victoria Moate/NJ
12/26/2017 12:03:46 PM (1364 views)

Security Deed - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL
8/18/2017 11:41:02 AM (2385 views)
Re: Security Deed - Patrick Nevling/FL
8/20/2017 10:00:56 AM (2573 views)
Re: Security Deed - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL
8/20/2017 1:23:51 PM (2348 views)
Re: Security Deed - Patrick Nevling/FL
8/20/2017 1:40:48 PM (2454 views)
Re: Security Deed - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL
8/20/2017 1:59:01 PM (2426 views)
Re: Security Deed - Patrick Nevling/FL
8/20/2017 2:33:24 PM (2372 views)
Re: Security Deed - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL
8/20/2017 3:19:04 PM (2412 views)
Re: Security Deed - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL
8/21/2017 2:46:02 PM (2371 views)
Re: Security Deed - James Powell/MI
8/22/2017 10:46:33 AM (1829 views)
Re: Security Deed - Robert Franco/OH
8/20/2017 3:14:59 PM (2461 views)
Re: Security Deed - Patrick Nevling/FL
8/22/2017 11:46:08 AM (1824 views)
Re: Security Deed - Anita Backlund/MN
8/21/2017 8:49:38 PM (1852 views)
Re: Security Deed - Patrick Nevling/FL
8/22/2017 11:09:12 AM (1791 views)
Re: Security Deed - Patrick Nevling/FL
8/22/2017 11:24:31 AM (4574 views)

Dealing with non-paying customers? - Carmella Beroth/MA
8/17/2017 4:23:42 PM (1820 views)

Non Payment - Jay John...dba Choice Realty National Title Agency/ Direct Settlement - Joyce Obrien/PA
8/15/2017 1:55:50 PM (2361 views)
Re: Non Payment - Jay John...dba Choice Realty National Title Agency/ Direct Settlement - Carmella Beroth/MA
8/17/2017 12:53:39 PM (2342 views)

Land Coast Title - Samuel King - Michael Ebersole/PA
8/15/2017 12:23:48 PM (2235 views)
Re: Land Coast Title - Samuel King - Sarah  Stewart/MS
8/17/2017 11:49:46 AM (2243 views)
Re: Land Coast Title - Samuel King - Michael Ebersole/PA
8/17/2017 11:55:59 AM (2253 views)

Company check - Carlyle Millard/WV
8/12/2017 9:51:58 AM (2238 views)

SoCal abstracts beware! - Cheri Hasslinger/MD
8/12/2017 8:36:16 AM (3973 views)
Re: SoCal abstracts beware! - Michael Rosing/IL
8/14/2017 11:06:06 AM (2794 views)
Re: SoCal abstracts beware! - Cheri Hasslinger/MD
8/14/2017 2:10:28 PM (2700 views)
Re: SoCal abstracts beware! - george Hubka/MI
8/14/2017 10:09:47 PM (2639 views)
Re: SoCal abstracts beware! - george Hubka/MI
8/14/2017 10:10:53 PM (2582 views)
Re: SoCal abstracts beware! - george Hubka/MI
8/14/2017 10:10:54 PM (2618 views)
Re: SoCal abstracts beware! - WAYNE QUICK/NC
8/25/2017 12:00:15 PM (2110 views)
Re: SoCal abstracts beware! - george Hubka/MI
8/25/2017 12:15:00 PM (2173 views)

Atapol - Bruce Lutz/PA
8/10/2017 10:46:17 AM (2821 views)
Re: Atapol - Patricia Harpur/PA
8/20/2017 1:27:02 PM (2730 views)
Re: Atapol - Rene Blevins/VA
8/28/2017 9:15:49 AM (1924 views)
Re: Atapol - Rene Blevins/VA
8/28/2017 1:07:42 PM (2022 views)
Re: Atapol - Crystal Hernandez/OH
11/30/2017 9:57:04 AM (1603 views)
Re: Atapol - Bruce Lutz/PA
11/30/2017 10:06:16 AM (1578 views)
Re: Atapol - Crystal Hernandez/OH
11/30/2017 12:02:25 PM (1566 views)
Re: Atapol - David Bloys/TX
6/14/2018 11:36:15 AM (1432 views)

Upgrade to Fiber is Complete - Robert Franco/OH
8/10/2017 8:31:36 AM (2113 views)
Re: Upgrade to Fiber is Complete - Jay Duncan/MO
8/10/2017 9:01:17 AM (2313 views)
Re: Upgrade to Fiber is Complete - Don (Chunshen) Li/FL
8/11/2017 11:33:16 AM (2397 views)

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June 04 2024
We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
Cameron...[more info]

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