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Has anyone heard of Reckon Data Solutions? - Joyce Harper/OH
11/3/2017 4:09:43 PM (2542 views)
Re: Has anyone heard of Reckon Data Solutions? - Jason Buist/NY
12/10/2018 4:25:39 PM (1002 views)

Health Insurance - David Berry/OH
11/2/2017 8:32:55 PM (2654 views)
Re: Health Insurance - Constance Foye/VA
11/6/2017 10:32:12 AM (2052 views)
Re: Health Insurance - David Berry/OH
11/6/2017 3:22:35 PM (2207 views)
Re: Health Insurance - Robert Franco/OH
11/7/2017 10:10:53 AM (2098 views)
Re: Health Insurance - KIMBERLY  FALCONE/PA
11/20/2017 11:29:10 AM (1862 views)
Re: Health Insurance - Serena Stout/VA
11/27/2017 10:29:05 AM (1679 views)
Re: Health Insurance - David Berry/OH
11/27/2017 10:39:34 AM (1612 views)
Re: Health Insurance - Serena Stout/VA
11/27/2017 11:43:00 AM (1710 views)
Re: Health Insurance - James Powell/MI
11/28/2017 12:49:32 PM (4609 views)
Re: Health Insurance - Serena Stout/VA
11/28/2017 12:58:57 PM (1682 views)

Solidifi, Middletown, RI - Susan Dustin/WV
11/1/2017 4:57:08 PM (6930 views)
Re: Solidifi, Middletown, RI - Cheryl Santamaria/CT
11/2/2017 9:38:14 AM (3233 views)
Re: Solidifi, Middletown, RI - Susan Dustin/WV
11/7/2017 3:32:07 PM (2952 views)
Re: Solidifi, Middletown, RI - Cheryl Santamaria/CT
11/7/2017 5:08:07 PM (3223 views)
Re: Solidifi, Middletown, RI - Meg Marriott/GA
11/30/2017 3:32:00 PM (2416 views)
Re: Solidifi, Middletown, RI - Marilyn Knobel/NY
11/6/2017 12:39:31 PM (2896 views)
Re: Solidifi, Middletown, RI - Daniel Silverburg/CA
12/4/2017 8:34:51 AM (2071 views)
Re: Solidifi, Middletown, RI - Terrie Kelly/MN
12/4/2017 8:47:03 AM (2129 views)
Re: Solidifi, Middletown, RI - Cheryl Santamaria/CT
12/4/2017 9:13:25 AM (2222 views)

FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - Alix Ott/MI
10/30/2017 3:53:46 PM (2433 views)
Re: FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - nita  farrow/FL
10/30/2017 4:10:43 PM (2103 views)
Re: FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - Alix Ott/MI
10/30/2017 4:31:38 PM (2373 views)
Re: FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - nita  farrow/FL
10/30/2017 4:45:31 PM (2450 views)
Re: FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - Alix Ott/MI
10/30/2017 4:52:41 PM (2029 views)
Re: FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - Mark Rasnick/OH
10/31/2017 12:18:58 PM (2533 views)
Re: FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - Alix Ott/MI
10/31/2017 12:23:45 PM (2404 views)
Re: FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - Randi Erickson/MN
11/1/2017 10:55:03 AM (1969 views)


You hit the nail right on the head on this ... my pet peeve on the whole title industry as a whole.. I'm waiting for the first borrower to file suit against the title company / mortgage banker that sent their info over seas to ANOTHER COUNTRY.. for them to process with their vital info out there.. I think it will be a class action suit.. I think when Hillary Clinton received $1,000,000 to the Clinton Foundation for the sale of this countries info to be sent over seas for processing is going to be a biggie (India paid for this to happen).. and we are all going to be wrapped into it..  know or unknown to us.. because of these "fake" US companies that are set up.  I think the more we in the industry push for the end borrower to "sign off" of that disclosure is the best we can do.  The banks are creating more and more risky assets / loans and are currently packaging them and selling them to pensions/401 K's etc.. and when the house of cards falls.. the whole crime wave is exposed to the borrower.. of who exactly had access to their application (take Experian, do you believe that was an outside job or an inside job?)... just look at how many don't pay for the work they ordered, and how many really "DON'T work here in the USA, pay taxes etc.".. Look at the sheer number that abstract online, and should not be.. the number of work visa's are a major player in this industry and other industries... Look at the average older American, still struggling to learn today's competitive edge, computers, and our schools struggling to get them taught in schools.  I believe, that as a whole, we have the very elect, who sold out America and their info, should be held liable.  The newest, is the attorneys sending their clients info overseas as well for processing.. the next will be the courts in my opinion. Meanwhile we sit and loose jobs daily for this.. What countries leader would allow such a thing to happen?

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Re: FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - Michelle White/IL
11/4/2017 11:18:24 PM (1904 views)
Re: FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - F P/VA
11/6/2017 11:01:51 PM (2006 views)
Re: FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - Randi Erickson/MN
11/8/2017 4:40:24 PM (1943 views)
Re: FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - george Hubka/MI
11/7/2017 9:45:30 PM (1972 views)
Re: FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - george Hubka/MI
11/7/2017 9:43:13 PM (1955 views)
Re: FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - Alix Ott/MI
11/8/2017 6:41:31 AM (1745 views)
Re: FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - george Hubka/MI
11/8/2017 8:32:12 PM (1985 views)
Re: FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - DOUG TAYLOR/TN
10/31/2017 12:49:04 PM (2488 views)
Re: FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - Alix Ott/MI
10/31/2017 1:06:00 PM (2021 views)
Re: FAB Infosolutions or FABInfosolutions - george Hubka/MI
11/7/2017 9:51:29 PM (2097 views)

CLK Title Services - jane guiles/AL
10/30/2017 12:57:18 PM (3128 views)
Re: CLK Title Services - Brenda  Caetano/ID
10/30/2017 2:58:50 PM (2897 views)
Re: CLK Title Services - jane guiles/AL
10/30/2017 10:03:38 PM (2384 views)
Re: CLK Title Services - M Adams/KY
11/6/2017 8:53:45 AM (2148 views)
Re: CLK Title Services - Judy Maclauchlan/LA
11/7/2017 11:16:04 AM (2890 views)

Real Title Services

County Computer Systems - stephen willard/OH
10/25/2017 9:17:07 AM (2566 views)
Re: County Computer Systems - Don (Chunshen) Li/GA
10/25/2017 1:13:46 PM (2311 views)
Re: County Computer Systems - Don (Chunshen) Li/GA
10/26/2017 3:41:33 PM (2144 views)
Re: County Computer Systems - Robert Franco/OH
10/27/2017 8:25:38 AM (2339 views)
Re: County Computer Systems - stephen willard/OH
10/27/2017 8:41:23 AM (2319 views)
Re: County Computer Systems - Linda Schroeder/PA
10/30/2017 8:55:27 AM (2061 views)
Re: County Computer Systems - Scott Oberlin/OH
10/30/2017 10:09:19 AM (2052 views)
Re: County Computer Systems - toni mccoy/OH
10/30/2017 10:33:12 AM (1908 views)
Re: County Computer Systems - Don (Chunshen) Li/GA
10/30/2017 11:46:17 AM (1908 views)
Re: County Computer Systems - toni mccoy/OH
10/30/2017 10:15:48 AM (1844 views)

WHO at Altisource can get bills paid?? - Alix Ott/MI
10/24/2017 11:00:06 AM (2714 views)
Re: WHO at Altisource can get bills paid?? - g h/SC
10/30/2017 10:30:07 AM (2529 views)
Re: WHO at Altisource can get bills paid?? - Joni Bargel/MN
11/15/2017 11:01:47 AM (1697 views)

The "E" in ETA - Alix Ott/MI
10/24/2017 9:44:43 AM (2930 views)
Re: The "E" in ETA - Daniel Silverburg/CA
10/24/2017 7:45:20 PM (2314 views)
Re: The "E" in ETA - Jay Duncan/MO
10/27/2017 9:16:48 AM (2501 views)
Re: The "E" in ETA - Susan Raynard/MA
10/30/2017 8:47:51 AM (2128 views)
Re: The "E" in ETA - F P/VA
11/7/2017 10:49:13 PM (2123 views)
10/30/2017 9:24:44 AM (2070 views)
Re: The "E" in ETA - g h/SC
10/30/2017 4:42:30 PM (2087 views)
Re: The "E" in ETA - Constance Foye/VA
11/6/2017 10:35:38 AM (1712 views)
Re: The "E" in ETA - Victoria Moate/NJ
12/4/2017 12:42:32 PM (1473 views)
Re: The "E" in ETA - Robert Franco/OH
12/5/2017 8:23:28 AM (1510 views)
Re: The "E" in ETA - Victoria Moate/NJ
12/5/2017 12:10:49 PM (1513 views)

Sharing a Post by Brieann McDaniel - Don (Chunshen) Li/GA
10/23/2017 1:59:15 PM (1992 views)

Indonesia - Nils Nelson/ME
10/20/2017 6:58:12 PM (2531 views)
Re: Indonesia - Rita Killary/NY
10/20/2017 8:05:12 PM (2650 views)
Re: Indonesia - g h/SC
10/23/2017 9:33:41 AM (2165 views)
Re: Indonesia - Roberta Dean/IN
10/23/2017 6:18:26 PM (2355 views)
10/30/2017 9:31:04 AM (1980 views)
Re: Indonesia - Nils Nelson/ME
10/26/2017 9:23:39 AM (2048 views)
Re: Indonesia - g h/SC
10/30/2017 10:32:21 AM (2056 views)

Pippin title services - Chris Hohenfels/VA
10/20/2017 7:20:51 AM (6353 views)
Re: Pippin title services - Constance Foye/VA
10/23/2017 8:53:38 AM (2983 views)
Re: Pippin title services - Amy May/LA
10/23/2017 9:43:17 AM (3457 views)
Re: Pippin title services - Chris Hohenfels/VA
10/23/2017 11:21:18 AM (4531 views)
Re: Pippin title services - Margaret McDermott/NY
10/30/2017 6:57:09 PM (2687 views)

National Land Research Solutions, Inc - Marilyn Knobel/NY
10/18/2017 2:52:11 PM (2437 views)
Re: National Land Research Solutions, Inc - Amy May/LA
10/23/2017 9:41:24 AM (1989 views)

Is your company on any of these top lists? - Don (Chunshen) Li/GA
10/13/2017 2:28:08 PM (2504 views)

Has anyone heard of WELFA TITLE SERVICES? - John Baker/OH
10/13/2017 1:10:18 PM (2645 views)
Re: Has anyone heard of WELFA TITLE SERVICES? - Jolene Crofoot/MN
10/16/2017 2:32:33 PM (2647 views)
Re: Has anyone heard of WELFA TITLE SERVICES? - John Baker/OH
10/18/2017 10:51:14 AM (2347 views)

Alameda, CA - court house relocating - Dan Zook/NY
10/11/2017 3:21:23 PM (2090 views)
Re: Alameda, CA - court house relocating - Daniel Silverburg/CA
10/24/2017 7:48:18 PM (1608 views)

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We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
Cameron...[more info]

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