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Searchlink still not paying & salts saerches - Tracey Hicks/NY
1/24/2018 8:54:08 PM (2431 views)

Between my mom's business & mine, we've been waiting on payment for almost a year now.

Also, the criminal searches they send for counties that are online are pre-screened. Upwards of 50% of the criminal searches are hits! When I told Jennifer this, she said she'd talk to the client about the price going up because this was basically document retrieval at this point, but apparently she didn't because her client was still looking for the work I'd already told her on several occasions I couldn't do for that price. After weeks of waiting to hear if the new pricing was going to be acceptable and several attempts at getting an answer from her about it, & reminding her that the work was piling up because I wasn't doing it for their volume discounted price anymore, someone else called telling me that the client was looking for the work that I wasn't doing & Jennifer was supposed to be in negotiations with them about. If Jennifer had told them that I couldn't do their work for that price anymore, why were they still looking for it?! Now even though I have no way of knowing who their client is, somehow this was my fault & they stopped sending me any work.

But we're still waiting for payments from April, May, & September. When I first told Jennifer that my mom hadn't been paid for April, May, or June & I hadn't been paid for anything in July yet & was getting nervous that they weren't going to pay, she just kept saying, "We're going to pay June in September,." as if 4 months late was ok. I'm net 30!

I've read the horror stories on here & Abstractor Watchdog, but we were unaware when we got them as a client & then they weren't a problem until one of the counties we search went online. Then I tried to get paid appropriately & relied on Jennifer to do her job. Now I know that Jennifer is incompetent & not to do business with Searchlink ever again. BEWARE1 DO NOT give them a volume discount because they only send searches they already know are hits & get paid upfront if your going to do business with them. Obviously, they don't have the funds or they wouldn't be 4 months behind in their bills & I'm sure they'll move on to the next poor sucker.   

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[+] Protection for Non-title Holding Spouses - Robert Franco/OH (10 replies)
1/19/2018 8:53:41 AM (2699 views)

[+] Off shore vs On-site Searches - William Duncan/AZ (12 replies)
1/18/2018 3:11:45 PM (3001 views)

[+] COPY COST AT GEORGIA CLERKS SITES - Heidi Gemeling/FL (2 replies)
1/13/2018 8:48:31 PM (2526 views)

[+] Ameristar? - Joe Webster/CT (10 replies)
1/12/2018 5:40:21 PM (3655 views)

Real Title Services

[+] C2C Title Services - JOSEPH EMERSON/MN (7 replies)
1/12/2018 11:25:45 AM (4082 views)

[+] Who's doing our work - F P/VA (13 replies)
1/10/2018 12:06:10 PM (3585 views)

[+] Abstractor "report cards" - Patricia Harpur/PA (16 replies)
1/10/2018 11:19:14 AM (3372 views)

[+] AMERICAN CORE TITLE-BEWARE NON PAYERS - Jason Knowles/AL (10 replies)
1/9/2018 5:21:17 PM (2731 views)

[+] RYAAN TECH SOLUTIONS- NON PAYORS! - Amy May/LA (6 replies)
1/8/2018 1:00:31 PM (2557 views)

[+] Non Payment - Sandra Grover/WI (1 reply)
1/8/2018 10:11:31 AM (2665 views)

[+] Abstractor looking to get in the business - michelle tucker/MD (22 replies)
1/7/2018 9:30:32 AM (3325 views)

[+] Stewart Title - F P/VA (5 replies)
1/3/2018 9:00:11 PM (3660 views)

[+] Recommend E&O Provider - Jim A/WV (7 replies)
1/3/2018 11:47:15 AM (2508 views)

Happy New Year - Smitty Strickland/SC
1/2/2018 1:31:30 PM (1704 views)

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