I have had the same issue with archived copies that won't show in any database and are years previous to the public records that you can view online. It helps too if you know what your client is actually looking for (i.e. what the end result is supposed to be). That little bit of additional information that they think isn't necessary to give you can be very helpful when you don't have a lot to go on. A lot of time have been able to go into the clerk's office and order some of them from there, even though it is supposed to be an online task only. I had ordered online, got the confirmation #, and although I knew it was going to be a 3-5 day TAT had the feeling that I should just call and see what the wait time actually was going to be on the very next day. They couldn't find the order number. Sometimes too, it is in the approach and once you get familiar with someone in the clerk's office you may find that they will want to help. I ended up getting my docs, in less than the TAT. Just make sure you are on top of it and keep communicating with your client. I have really only had one that was unreasonable and a month later he quit the company altogether.
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