I am dreading Ko-file coming to the counties we presently service in Central Ohio. It is already in place in 2 of the counties we service. We have been informed it is coming to two more. In the one county where it has been in place for about 6 months has so many issues it take longer to complete title work. It is not making more records available that the prior system did not that makes the system less efficient, it is the extra work involved to run the system that has increased search time. The lack of being able to filter duplicate records with 'Ko-file" when searching multiple parties with the same last name is another reason search time has increased. Records being returned via entering the book and page don't always match the records returned when searching by name. How can that be?
The staff of the county recorder's offices where "Ko-file" is in place don't fully understand their new system so they are not able to properly assist. If they cant help experienced title professionals, how can they assist the general public?
In my humble opinion "Ko-file" is the "Brooklyn bridge" of county recorder's computer systems.
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