I have been title exams in southwestern Ohio for 40 + years and to date Kofile is the worst excuse for a search product I have seen yet. I encourage anyone following this discussion to read my post titled Kofile Searches. I have come to the conclusion that the creation of a search engine for searching documents in a recorders office has very little to do with how well it can do the job. It's more about politics, and lets change companies every 5 yrs so we can tell the public we are keeping current with the newest program. Whether said program can efficiently find every document we need to find in a search has become irrelevant. All the docs are in the data base. You just have to figure out how the program looks at how the document may have been indexed, then figure out how to instruct the search to find every possible document. Once again if your doing work in a county that uses the Kofile program I encourage you to review the Kofile Searches discussion.
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