Nope wrong area. I agree about using the check marks on the list for the different kinds of docs etc. The check marks I'm referring to are the ones to the left of the Instrument # column and the Green check marks to the very right of the screen. Both only show up after you have searched something be it a name or a geographic search.
The one to the right is a redundant checkmark. It lets you know the doc has been verified....duh. If there is a red X in that column then you know it has not been through the entire process, and has not been verified. So I really don't need the green check mark. As long as there is no Red X...I'm good.
The other check mark in the far left column is nearly as useful. It is apparently there solely to let us know there is a document. Yes, you can click on it at each document to remind you that you have looked at and eliminated that document and yes if you prefer to clear that column you can click on the box at the top of the column and it will clear them out, then click on it to put a check mark in to remind me that I have eliminated that doc from my possible docs that I need to look at....but the program automatically puts a check mark in there. It would make more sense if the block were empty and I could put a check mark in there. Maybe it has another purpose but I have not figured it out yet.
Cott systems had the best search set up I have seen to date.
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