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Optima-non payer - Jason Knowles/AL
10/30/2018 2:47:50 PM (1711 views)

Lendserv - Jason Knowles/AL
10/30/2018 2:44:38 PM (2393 views)
Re: Lendserv - Jason Knowles/AL
10/30/2018 5:06:06 PM (2026 views)
Re: Lendserv - Michael Rosing/IL
11/5/2018 8:58:08 AM (2001 views)
Re: Lendserv - Michael Rosing/IL
11/7/2018 11:28:36 AM (1850 views)

BoA - kim rase/CO
10/27/2018 4:16:11 PM (2235 views)
Re: BoA - Constance Foye/VA
11/19/2018 10:22:09 PM (1869 views)
Re: BoA - Jeffrey Land/NJ
12/10/2018 10:45:21 AM (1961 views)

Comment on "South Carolina Man Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison For Using Forged Deeds to Steal Homes" - Source of Title/OH
10/27/2018 3:50:19 PM (2183 views)
fraud in colorado - kim rase/CO
10/27/2018 3:50:19 PM (3227 views)
This seldom happened until . . . - David Bloys/TX
10/28/2018 4:51:10 PM (3093 views)

Timely Documents Inc - Prem Kumar/NV
10/26/2018 3:21:25 PM (3097 views)
Re: Timely Documents Inc - Karen Knuth/NY
10/29/2018 11:21:10 AM (2521 views)
Re: Timely Documents Inc - Kurt deVries/FL
10/29/2018 12:27:27 PM (2522 views)
Re: Timely Documents Inc - Mallory Jones/CA
10/31/2018 5:08:32 PM (2450 views)
Re: Timely Documents Inc - Angela Sharp/CA
11/5/2018 5:33:51 PM (2478 views)
Re: Timely Documents Inc - Greg Weiss/IL
11/12/2018 3:30:06 PM (2224 views)
Re: Timely Documents Inc - Greg Weiss/IL
11/12/2018 3:30:09 PM (2411 views)
Re: Timely Documents Inc - David Kossman/MO
11/19/2018 10:31:29 AM (2085 views)
Re: Timely Documents Inc - Jonathan Mintz/TN
7/1/2021 11:25:14 AM (827 views)
Re: Timely Documents Inc - David Kossman/MO
7/1/2021 11:31:34 AM (840 views)
Re: Timely Documents Inc - Ray Glowniak/CA
3/13/2019 11:09:52 PM (1858 views)
Re: Timely Documents Inc - george Hubka/MI
3/30/2019 11:21:54 PM (1618 views)
Re: Timely Documents Inc - Tempie Elder/GA
4/1/2019 10:58:07 AM (1559 views)

kofile searches - Tom Schmick/OH
10/22/2018 12:32:01 PM (2574 views)
Re: kofile searches - Alix Ott/MI
10/24/2018 4:11:05 PM (1971 views)
Re: kofile searches - Tom Schmick/OH
10/24/2018 6:44:00 PM (2158 views)
Re: kofile searches - stephen willard/OH
11/19/2018 9:33:43 AM (2101 views)

2018 NAILTA/NALTEA Conference - Robert Franco/OH
10/21/2018 5:37:07 PM (2934 views)

Judgement Lien - Abrar Khan/TX
10/16/2018 5:09:56 PM (2872 views)
Re: Judgement Lien - Michaelene Bomestar/OH
10/18/2018 4:35:01 PM (2533 views)
Re: Judgement Lien - Roberta Dean/IN
10/20/2018 2:12:26 AM (2100 views)
Re: Judgement Lien - Deborah Shanks/NY
10/22/2018 7:02:26 PM (1907 views)
Re: Judgement Lien - Lisa Ramsey/TX
10/22/2018 8:37:02 PM (1873 views)
Re: Judgement Lien - Celeste Yakawonis/ME
10/29/2018 11:34:43 AM (1847 views)

CALREPORTING 818 AREA CODE - Scott & Sandra Forbes/CA
10/15/2018 3:29:15 PM (2482 views)
10/16/2018 6:37:20 PM (2472 views)
10/17/2018 12:37:02 AM (2336 views)
Re: CALREPORTING 818 AREA CODE - george Hubka/MI
10/17/2018 3:12:37 AM (2279 views)
Re: CALREPORTING 818 AREA CODE - Scott & Sandra Forbes/CA
10/17/2018 11:31:07 AM (2419 views)
Re: CALREPORTING 818 AREA CODE - Scott & Sandra Forbes/CA
10/17/2018 11:36:05 AM (2405 views)
10/17/2018 5:16:11 PM (2355 views)

Express Services / Derrick Whitaker - Jaime Melvin/NC
10/12/2018 7:22:44 PM (2274 views)

Any word on this company - Karen Knuth/NY
10/10/2018 11:40:23 AM (3192 views)
Re: Any word on this company - Carol Clark/NY
10/15/2018 9:33:12 AM (2854 views)
Re: Any word on this company - g h/SC
10/15/2018 4:22:53 PM (2477 views)

We can't be Walmart anymore... - Alix Ott/MI
10/9/2018 12:51:44 PM (3430 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - ROD HEFNER/KS
10/10/2018 6:53:47 AM (2807 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - David Bloys/TX
10/10/2018 7:25:52 AM (2566 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Joyce Obrien/PA
10/10/2018 9:45:50 AM (2693 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Alix Ott/MI
10/10/2018 9:56:59 AM (2664 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Joyce Obrien/PA
10/10/2018 10:12:57 AM (2455 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Alix Ott/MI
10/10/2018 2:36:48 PM (2794 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Kurt deVries/FL
10/11/2018 2:53:22 PM (2571 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Meg Evans/OH
10/15/2018 8:40:18 AM (2583 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Heather St Amant/LA
10/15/2018 8:50:20 AM (2519 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Alix Ott/MI
10/15/2018 9:02:55 AM (2608 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Cheryl Santamaria/CT
10/15/2018 8:58:01 AM (2611 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Scott Tischler/OH
10/15/2018 11:52:01 AM (2623 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - g h/SC
10/15/2018 4:16:00 PM (2473 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - KIMBERLY  FALCONE/PA
10/22/2018 8:30:57 AM (2044 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - John Rawlings/WI
10/22/2018 9:34:52 AM (1954 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
10/22/2018 8:35:51 PM (1961 views) response is going to be a little different than the rest.  Why haven't you raised your prices on residential searches in 20 years?  That is hurting the rest of everyone else.  You should raise your prices every year...that is the only way you can keep up with rising costs of salaries and supplies.  I think you need a "big" jump in pricing and for one reason alone.  Unemployment is at 3.7% which means everyone of your employees could leave and probably get an increase anywhere else at this time.  When did we all decide not to run a business and become someone else's patsy?  Keep increasing your prices over time.  If you have to figure out something else you can add to your business or some other industry that might need your business.  I don't know how many records are online in Michigan but it will continue and get worse so figure something out now and the answer is not ...not raising your prices for 20 years.  Good grief.  Do two part-time businesses.  You don't need business if the profit is not there.  Starting a second one you might end up saving your financial future.

Let's look at one cost of title....title insurance.  First, title insurance is supposed to cover error and emissions missed in researching title.  So why do we have to buy errors and emissions insurance?  Did you ever think of that?  Second, their fee, is tied to the price of the mortgage...a guarantee that will increase their revenue from year to year.  Should we tie our price to the amount of the mortgage?  I mean realistically the claims could be much higher against us if the house was worth more.  There are many times more security documents or second mortgages the more the house is worth.  In that scenario, with the rising costs and home values, we would be able to charge at least 3x the amount we charged 20 years ago.   Did you know title insurance claims cost 3-4% of all the premiums charged.  Run a search and read about is very interesting.  In Iowa there is a STATE RUN title agency that the title insurance actually only costs $110 up to $500,000.00 and they still make a profit from claims to help with down-payments for low income individuals.  They want abstracting fees to be low so they can keep raising theirs.  

When a company complains about the cost of a fee, I say well you have taken all the work away from us so we have no choice but to do it.  I use to go to one courthouse with 20 orders.  Each of those orders paid a portion of my travel expenses, parking and my driving time.  Now one order does.  I am in Texas and there is a lot of counties online but there are still counties that are not too far back but they are small rural counties.  

As far as working with foreigners, I say that not one abstractor should.  It might be helping you right at that moment but in the end it will kill you.  The work will continue to go over to other countries if we let it and by gosh you are helping stupid is that.  There are certain things in this world that should not be in a foreign county and that is anything that has to do with our personal possessions including our land, and our personal information, including our social security numbers.  It will not change unless you complain.  I needed to make a call to my bank and I was greeted by whom I knew was a foreigner and asked what country they were in...somewhere in Central America.  When he was asking the questions including my full social security number I stopped the call.  I told him no one in a foreign country needs to know my full social security number.  I call the bank and voiced my concerns asking if they were simply stupid and why would they put their customers at risk knowing that it is very hard to find and prosecute those stealing other identities who are from other countries so why place their information in their hands?

I am curious if anyone has thought about the vendor management companies.  They became vendor management companies so that the originating company could give them all the orders and then farm them out.  So given the fact that this isn't happening anymore and they are keeping the orders in their businesses, is it us or the vendor management companies that they don't need?  Now I know people don't want to ruffle feathers sorta speak....but has anyone tried to go directly to the mortgage companies and title companies bypassing the vendor management companies.  After all, unlike them, we have all of the records, not them.  Did they think of the abstractors when they took the work?  Did the vendor management companies allow the abstractors to restructure some of their fees according to being able to access some records online and then differently when they went to the courthouse, or did they just take the work?  With all we know about the difference in searching in individual counties do you think they are getting it all right, or is there potential for a lot of bad stuff to occur in the near future?  

I do not have a problem charging fees...there aren't very many abstractors left in Texas.  I actually think mileage plus a fee should be charged.  I don't even think of myself as Whole Foods Store....I am more like a Kroger where you get quality at an affordable price.  Might not be a price they think is affordable but only I know what I need to run my own businesses.  


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Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Alix Ott/MI
10/23/2018 7:07:56 AM (2023 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - James Powell/MI
10/23/2018 10:54:48 AM (2016 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
10/29/2018 8:54:03 PM (2100 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
10/29/2018 8:54:08 PM (2105 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Alix Ott/MI
10/29/2018 10:12:35 PM (2192 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - David Bloys/TX
10/23/2018 7:13:16 AM (1963 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... -  ABSTRACT SOLUTIONZ /TX
11/7/2018 3:46:38 PM (1867 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Alix Ott/MI
11/7/2018 3:57:43 PM (2091 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... -  ABSTRACT SOLUTIONZ /TX
11/7/2018 4:08:37 PM (2133 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - David Bloys/TX
11/22/2018 8:23:55 PM (1856 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Alix Ott/MI
11/23/2018 7:33:20 AM (1887 views)

Poise Infosystems - Jim A/WV
10/8/2018 7:20:47 PM (2545 views)
Re: Poise Infosystems - Terry Ray/OH
10/15/2018 11:38:30 AM (2406 views)
Re: Poise Infosystems - Terry Ray/OH
10/15/2018 11:55:49 AM (2374 views)
Re: Poise Infosystems - Jim A/WV
11/1/2018 9:50:13 AM (1847 views)

USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/5/2018 8:42:57 AM (3310 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Robert Franco/OH
10/5/2018 2:23:07 PM (2535 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/5/2018 2:34:39 PM (2773 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Alix Ott/MI
10/8/2018 8:32:06 AM (2512 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/8/2018 9:17:47 AM (2499 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Alix Ott/MI
10/8/2018 9:31:15 AM (2456 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/8/2018 9:49:01 AM (2329 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Alix Ott/MI
10/8/2018 10:00:53 AM (2111 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/8/2018 10:08:58 AM (2161 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Alix Ott/MI
10/8/2018 10:19:23 AM (2130 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/8/2018 10:28:05 AM (2252 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Alix Ott/MI
10/8/2018 10:42:00 AM (2204 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/8/2018 10:43:47 AM (2159 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Alix Ott/MI
10/8/2018 1:58:16 PM (2374 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/9/2018 8:40:10 AM (2215 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - MICHELLE TURNER/OH
1/3/2019 2:19:36 PM (1621 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - James Powell/MI
10/9/2018 8:37:04 AM (2376 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Alix Ott/MI
10/9/2018 8:44:24 AM (2238 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/9/2018 8:46:35 AM (2382 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Tom Schmick/OH
10/24/2018 7:05:02 PM (1838 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/25/2018 7:16:51 AM (1854 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Marian Cones/TX
10/9/2018 2:31:10 PM (2237 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/9/2018 5:04:21 PM (2161 views)

Fake AccuFast Email - Bruce Lutz/PA
9/28/2018 1:22:58 PM (2547 views)
Re: Fake AccuFast Email - Regina  Engebritson/MN
9/28/2018 1:27:35 PM (2288 views)
Re: Fake AccuFast Email - Glenda Hodge/TN
9/28/2018 5:55:58 PM (2256 views)
Re: Fake AccuFast Email - Joyce Harper/OH
10/1/2018 8:56:40 AM (2287 views)
Re: Fake AccuFast Email - David Peluso/RI
10/1/2018 8:58:17 AM (2241 views)

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