Good analogy; Walmart vs Whole Foods. It's the truth & I totally agree. We literally are the creme de la creme and companies cannot complete the search correctly without us. Because we have to drive to the ROD's, the companies need to understand how much the costs are just for this. We have the experience & have been fortunate enough to be able to make a living in our preferred profession. Personally, I like all the companies for which I work. There is at least one company that is sending nothing but "Heir's Property". It's impossible to complete w/in the 24 hour window and copy costs can be tremendously high; sometimes more than the search fee. I am hoping that we abstractors can all stick together and not lower fees causing the rest of us to have to do the same. It will eventually become so low that we will be literally paying to go to work. Let us stick together & be sure we are paid what we are worth. While we do not want to be taken advantages of or for granted, we also do not want to do the same in return. Abstractors & companies can both make money. Greed will hurt anyone or any business. We just need to command the respect for which we deserve.
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