I find using kofiles infinitely easier than uslandrecords. Seriously. When John Q. Public sits down at my home courthouse, they see a screen that says "Name Options: All Parties", then
Then the option of putting in a municipality and a recorded date range. What could be easier? Want to find Paul Williams and what he owns? Put in "williams paul" and everything in the index shows up. Why would your old system be any easier than that? There are no "multi layered steps" unless you so choose. If that's the case, the ROD and her staff are always ready to help. Or a "local' at another machine.
Unfortunately, as you've discovered, the Recorders don't usually ask the people in the know about a system. Even if they decide to change a system, they should ask what is vital to searching as an abstractor. The ROD at my home county of Hillsdale asked ALL of her regulars (both independents and the local title examiners) for input when they changed systems, as did the county due east of me, Lenawee. It makes so much difference -- you feel valued and respected and that feeling is mutual, believe me. Both of the mentioned counties use Kofiles (and before that, RecordFusion). The system they changed from was -- in my opinion -- awful and RecordFusion was wonderful once I got the hang of it.
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