There are a LOT of LLC's that aren't doing commercial. A lot of people who buy rental properties as a business uses an LLC but the property is residential. You should ALWAYS always confirm with a client that a property is commercial and that you should run it as such and automatically include your fee so they can approve it (or not). Keep in mind that many times a client (mortgage company, bank, etc.) will order something without informing the vendor manager or abstractor that it's commercial. Once THEY find out it's commercial, they cancel the order.
I have worked with Southern Land for years without a problem. I'm sure if I look thru the hundreds of e-mails I could find an issue re payment, but we've always resolved it equitably, and I cannot remember the last time there was a problem. But then I always make sure we're on the same page regarding price before I do the search especially when there almost a $200 difference between a residential order and a commercial order! (This is why I don't have set prices for's always best to confirm before going forward.)
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