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[+] Looking for a photo-stitching application - Ted Williamson/TX (3 replies)
10/31/2018 3:50:55 PM (1842 views)

[+] Blockchain - F P/VA (7 replies)
10/31/2018 11:54:09 AM (3709 views)

Optima-non payer - Jason Knowles/AL
10/30/2018 2:47:50 PM (1616 views)

[+] Lendserv - Jason Knowles/AL (3 replies)
10/30/2018 2:44:38 PM (2252 views)

[+] BoA - kim rase/CO (2 replies)
10/27/2018 4:16:11 PM (2110 views)

Real Title Services

[+] Comment on "South Carolina Man Sentenced to 18 Months in Prison For Using Forged Deeds to Steal Homes" - Source of Title/OH (2 replies)
10/27/2018 3:50:19 PM (2037 views)

[+] Timely Documents Inc - Prem Kumar/NV (12 replies)
10/26/2018 3:21:25 PM (2901 views)

[+] kofile searches - Tom Schmick/OH (3 replies)
10/22/2018 12:32:01 PM (2426 views)

2018 NAILTA/NALTEA Conference - Robert Franco/OH
10/21/2018 5:37:07 PM (2796 views)

[+] Judgement Lien - Abrar Khan/TX (5 replies)
10/16/2018 5:09:56 PM (2731 views)

[+] CALREPORTING 818 AREA CODE - Scott & Sandra Forbes/CA (6 replies)
10/15/2018 3:29:15 PM (2298 views)

Express Services / Derrick Whitaker - Jaime Melvin/NC
10/12/2018 7:22:44 PM (2184 views)

[+] Any word on this company - Karen Knuth/NY (2 replies)
10/10/2018 11:40:23 AM (3026 views)

[-] We can't be Walmart anymore... - Alix Ott/MI (27 replies)
10/9/2018 12:51:44 PM (3249 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - ROD HEFNER/KS
10/10/2018 6:53:47 AM (2547 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - David Bloys/TX
10/10/2018 7:25:52 AM (2311 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Joyce Obrien/PA
10/10/2018 9:45:50 AM (2448 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Alix Ott/MI
10/10/2018 9:56:59 AM (2401 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Joyce Obrien/PA
10/10/2018 10:12:57 AM (2204 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Alix Ott/MI
10/10/2018 2:36:48 PM (2506 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Kurt deVries/FL
10/11/2018 2:53:22 PM (2325 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Meg Evans/OH
10/15/2018 8:40:18 AM (2308 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Heather St Amant/LA
10/15/2018 8:50:20 AM (2243 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Alix Ott/MI
10/15/2018 9:02:55 AM (2329 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Cheryl Santamaria/CT
10/15/2018 8:58:01 AM (2328 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Scott Tischler/OH
10/15/2018 11:52:01 AM (2340 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - g h/SC
10/15/2018 4:16:00 PM (2241 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - KIMBERLY  FALCONE/PA
10/22/2018 8:30:57 AM (1789 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - John Rawlings/WI
10/22/2018 9:34:52 AM (1706 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
10/22/2018 8:35:51 PM (1722 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Alix Ott/MI
10/23/2018 7:07:56 AM (1789 views)

First, I am a vendor manager and it's true that we're not needed.  BUT a lot of companies like to bypass dealing with literally dozens of individuals and have one point of contact -- someone who already has a tried and true group of subcontractors.  It's a lot of work and a lot of time to weed out the chaff.  That's what I do and as an abstractor myself, I'm often able to answer questions and resolve issues (especially in my home state) immediately.

All that being said, Abstracting Life in Texas is NOT Abstracting Life anywhere else.  I found that out when I started to accumulate counties and fees lists in Texas.  The pricing was seriously breathtaking.  And please, no one take offense here because those I work with have been incredibly wonderful -- BUT I get tired of hearing about the distances you drive.  You don't drive any farther than my folks in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan and the northern parts of Wisconsin and Minnesota -- AND WE DO IT WITH SNOW AND ICE.  And isn't it true that to work in Texas you must be local and/or have a company within the state?  That's not true elsewhere.  I'm envious that you can get the prices you're getting...but here's the gist:

Despite the current economic climate, we are a business of supply and demand.  In counties where there are few abstractors I charge more.  But in counties where everybody and their brother has on line access, I have to keep my prices right where they are to maintain the work.  And that goes for counties I do myself, not just as a vendor manager to others.  If I raise my rates, I lose the business to someone else.  Why should the title companies I work for pay me SIGNIFICANTLY more for a search that they can farm out to an abstractor directly?  Or to someone in my own counties who will do it for 10% less than I do?  If they'd have to deal with bad work and unreliable people, that would be different but the fact is there are a lot of people in a lot of areas who do incredibly good, fast work.  If you're shopping for canned goods or toilet paper and just want the basics, why go to Whole Foods when Walmart is 20% cheaper?  You don't.  You go to Walmart for the basics.  Period.  

I am not the only vendor manager who has run into these problems with having to keep our prices low (and, in fact, are asked yearly to LOWER our rates).  I communicate with a lot of competitors here in Michigan and know we're all in the same boat.

Let's use another analogy:  technological items go DOWN in price.  Think about TV's...  This year's LG OLED runs over $2,000 but I have already seen Best Buy drop their price a bit and in a year, that $2,000 TV will be $1200.  Because our industry is also now technological in so many locales, the price of doing our job goes down because more people -- including India -- have access.  Simple 1 owner searches are going away.  Period.  We're not going to be able to compete there much longer (and actually AREN'T competing in a lot of places because the local title companies do all their own work on line in outlying areas and at the courthouse in their own counties).  Maybe it's not true in Texas, but the vault in Lenawee Co. Michigan was full of people just 10 years ago.  Abstractors and local title companies.  Now on the VERY rare trip I make there, I am usually the only one in their huge vault that has 6 work stations.  

It is a fact for most of us that to raise our rates means ALL (rather than most) of the easy work goes away and what's left is only that work that requires expertise and actual courthouse experience.

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Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - James Powell/MI
10/23/2018 10:54:48 AM (1772 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
10/29/2018 8:54:03 PM (1853 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Lisa Ramsey/TX
10/29/2018 8:54:08 PM (1856 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Alix Ott/MI
10/29/2018 10:12:35 PM (1945 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - David Bloys/TX
10/23/2018 7:13:16 AM (1723 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... -  ABSTRACT SOLUTIONZ /TX
11/7/2018 3:46:38 PM (1622 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Alix Ott/MI
11/7/2018 3:57:43 PM (1841 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... -  ABSTRACT SOLUTIONZ /TX
11/7/2018 4:08:37 PM (1895 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - David Bloys/TX
11/22/2018 8:23:55 PM (1615 views)
Re: We can't be Walmart anymore... - Alix Ott/MI
11/23/2018 7:33:20 AM (1647 views)

[+] Poise Infosystems - Jim A/WV (3 replies)
10/8/2018 7:20:47 PM (2380 views)

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We are an AMERICAN production and marketplace company, working with most of the major underwriters and Seeking LOCAL independant title searcher(s) for regular work in the following PA counties:
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