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USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/5/2018 8:42:57 AM (3191 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Robert Franco/OH
10/5/2018 2:23:07 PM (2262 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/5/2018 2:34:39 PM (2461 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Alix Ott/MI
10/8/2018 8:32:06 AM (2213 views)

Stephen, do you mean Kofiles?  I'm assuming yes so will continue on with my reply.

I use Kofiles (formerly known as RecordFusion) for MANY counties in Michigan and until recently, it was by far my favorite indexing program.  After RecordFusion sold out to them, there have been some issues with how my account is accessed but that has nothing to do with the functionality which continues to work very well indeed.  (One MAJOR issue has to do with Java, but I won't get into that here.  Kofiles cringes when I contact them because if there's a problem with their system, I'm going to find it since I do so many different counties who all set their system up just a little differently.)  Change is hard, I know.  (And I'll tell you here that I've tried to use USLandRecords in other states once or twice and absolutely HATE IT -- it's what you know.)

Since I never ever print-out the index, not having the effective date on it seems moot.  Maybe you'll find you don't need the index with kofiles!  The effective date is always in the lefthand corner once you get into the search function.

I rarely work out of an actual courthouse anymore that makes me print locally.  I usually go home and "print" to a pdf file instead.  It certainly makes for better copies and having the copies up on one screen while doing your write-up on the other makes everything so much easier.  You might want to try that yourself.  (We use CutePDF as our pdf manipulator.)

As for a "filter duplicate", that would be a nice feature.  Eagle (now run by Tyler Technologies) does that and I also work with that system and am quite fond of it.  BUT you do not have to print a document at a time.  Just send it to the print queue and then scan thru the queue for duplicates.  Easy peasy.  You can also check the queue while searching to check to see if you've already added a particular document and then go right back to where you were.

Not listing the legal description for the record is in the hands of your  ROD and how they set it up.  All of my Michigan counties have at least a partial legal showing AND I can search by tract with Kofiles.  All counties by lot number in a subdivision, and in a few counties, I can search by section township range down to quarter quarter section.  Again, that's in the hands of the ROD and how they set it up and index it as the documents are recorded.

I'm not sure what you mean about cannot research names in a dated order.  All you have to do is hit the "recorded" column and it will go oldest to newest.  Or hit it again and it'll sort newest to oldest.  You can also sort by document type which really comes in handy.

I totally don't understand why you'd want to search more than one name at a time.  Maybe I'm not understanding that part of what you're saying.  I never put in more than one name at a time -- not even husband/wife.  I personally want a clear view of ONLY docs related to a particular name.  Running husband/wife separately is a good double-check for me in many ways.

I hope you give Kofiles a chance.  I think you'll find it's not as unfriendly as you first think.  It really is a question of what you're used to.  Because I run so many counties -- and while I do not run title in other states, I do CHECK things in other states when needed -- I've used a lot of different programs.  Kofiles is far, far better than most out there (and yes, I mean you, Laredo -- hate that system -- but I know others who love it).  

If I can help you in any way, please let me know.  I'll even TeamViewer into your system and show you "stuff" with kofiles if you'd like.


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Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/8/2018 9:17:47 AM (2227 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Alix Ott/MI
10/8/2018 9:31:15 AM (2173 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/8/2018 9:49:01 AM (2047 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Alix Ott/MI
10/8/2018 10:00:53 AM (1873 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/8/2018 10:08:58 AM (1898 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Alix Ott/MI
10/8/2018 10:19:23 AM (1874 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/8/2018 10:28:05 AM (1974 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Alix Ott/MI
10/8/2018 10:42:00 AM (1936 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/8/2018 10:43:47 AM (1885 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Alix Ott/MI
10/8/2018 1:58:16 PM (2068 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/9/2018 8:40:10 AM (1926 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - MICHELLE TURNER/OH
1/3/2019 2:19:36 PM (1371 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - James Powell/MI
10/9/2018 8:37:04 AM (2084 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Alix Ott/MI
10/9/2018 8:44:24 AM (1966 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/9/2018 8:46:35 AM (2093 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Tom Schmick/OH
10/24/2018 7:05:02 PM (1593 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/25/2018 7:16:51 AM (1629 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - Marian Cones/TX
10/9/2018 2:31:10 PM (1957 views)
Re: USlandrecords vs. "Co-file" - stephen willard/OH
10/9/2018 5:04:21 PM (1900 views)

Fake AccuFast Email - Bruce Lutz/PA
9/28/2018 1:22:58 PM (2366 views)
Re: Fake AccuFast Email - Regina  Engebritson/MN
9/28/2018 1:27:35 PM (2034 views)
Re: Fake AccuFast Email - Glenda Hodge/TN
9/28/2018 5:55:58 PM (1991 views)
Re: Fake AccuFast Email - Joyce Harper/OH
10/1/2018 8:56:40 AM (2018 views)
Re: Fake AccuFast Email - David Peluso/RI
10/1/2018 8:58:17 AM (1993 views)

Integrity Title now 364 Title - David Bloys/TX
9/27/2018 5:02:27 PM (2567 views)

FUGO SERVICES - matthew clark/AL
9/25/2018 4:58:32 PM (2968 views)
Re: FUGO SERVICES - mollie cardell/SC
9/26/2018 12:25:04 PM (2638 views)
Re: FUGO SERVICES - matthew clark/AL
9/26/2018 12:30:09 PM (2611 views)
10/1/2018 5:45:27 PM (2358 views)
Re: FUGO SERVICES - Naomi Backes/NC
10/3/2018 12:49:39 AM (2176 views)
Re: FUGO SERVICES - george Hubka/MI
10/5/2018 8:41:10 PM (2045 views)
Re: FUGO SERVICES - Ted Williamson/TX
10/15/2018 8:56:26 AM (2034 views)
Re: FUGO SERVICES - Juanita Hovanec/CO
10/15/2018 9:48:32 AM (2086 views)
Re: FUGO SERVICES - matthew clark/AL
10/16/2018 10:58:54 AM (1858 views)
Re: FUGO SERVICES - Sherry Greene/MI
10/22/2018 8:10:40 AM (1569 views)
11/1/2018 8:25:25 AM (1712 views)

Indus Abstract Services - Smitty Strickland/SC
9/25/2018 2:05:28 PM (2391 views)
Re: Indus Abstract Services - John Baker/OH
10/1/2018 5:44:42 PM (2193 views)
Re: Indus Abstract Services - REBECCA RIZZONELLI/PA
10/8/2018 9:39:04 AM (2283 views)
Re: Indus Abstract Services - Smitty Strickland/SC
10/9/2018 10:53:06 AM (2140 views)

Real Title Services

9/21/2018 9:33:05 AM (2769 views)
9/21/2018 10:27:32 AM (2438 views)
Re: ISGN - Rene Blevins/VA
9/24/2018 10:31:01 AM (2377 views)
Re: ISGN - Randi Erickson/MN
9/24/2018 11:03:52 PM (4482 views)
9/25/2018 10:22:13 AM (2205 views)
Re: ISGN - Sherry Greene/MI
10/1/2018 8:23:17 AM (2016 views)
10/7/2018 5:37:57 PM (2033 views)
Re: ISGN - Patricia Harpur/PA
10/9/2018 9:22:28 PM (1886 views)
Re: ISGN - Michael Rosing/IL
10/22/2018 8:54:17 AM (1363 views)

Vdorite Services, LLC - Smitty Strickland/SC
9/19/2018 4:58:07 PM (2588 views)
Re: Vdorite Services, LLC - Joyce Obrien/PA
9/23/2018 11:18:21 AM (2592 views)
Re: Vdorite Services, LLC - Smitty Strickland/SC
9/25/2018 10:40:08 AM (2242 views)
Re: Vdorite Services, LLC - Natalie Drake/GA
10/11/2018 6:38:10 PM (2029 views)

Anyone heard of Aster Logic Global Services? - Tamara Howard/FL
9/18/2018 5:02:30 PM (2228 views)

Updates/Bringdowns - Ted Williamson/TX
9/18/2018 2:00:22 PM (2805 views)
Re: Updates/Bringdowns - Jay Duncan/MO
9/18/2018 2:45:13 PM (2350 views)
Re: Updates/Bringdowns - Ted Williamson/TX
9/18/2018 3:21:05 PM (2326 views)
Re: Updates/Bringdowns - Jay Duncan/MO
9/18/2018 3:35:23 PM (2303 views)
Re: Updates/Bringdowns - Smitty Strickland/SC
9/19/2018 5:02:06 PM (2265 views)
Re: Updates/Bringdowns - WAYNE QUICK/NC
9/24/2018 8:27:22 AM (2124 views)
Re: Updates/Bringdowns - Ted Williamson/TX
9/24/2018 8:53:30 AM (1919 views)
Re: Updates/Bringdowns - Alix Ott/MI
9/24/2018 8:35:03 AM (2081 views)
Re: Updates/Bringdowns - g h/SC
9/24/2018 9:16:13 AM (2059 views)
Re: Updates/Bringdowns - Daniel Silverburg/CA
9/24/2018 10:27:42 AM (1858 views)
Re: Updates/Bringdowns - Joyce Obrien/PA
10/8/2018 6:40:29 PM (1919 views)
Re: Updates/Bringdowns - Brendan O'Shea/VT
11/2/2018 2:00:07 PM (1365 views)
Re: Updates/Bringdowns - James Powell/MI
11/8/2018 10:26:43 AM (1344 views)
Re: Updates/Bringdowns - REBECCA RIZZONELLI/PA
11/5/2018 8:34:32 AM (1416 views)

Open for business - Smitty Strickland/SC
9/17/2018 2:26:47 PM (2378 views)
Re: Open for business - David Bloys/TX
9/19/2018 6:45:20 AM (2033 views)
Re: Open for business - Jay Duncan/MO
9/19/2018 11:42:07 AM (1898 views)
Re: Open for business - Smitty Strickland/SC
9/19/2018 4:54:33 PM (1966 views)
Re: Open for business - g h/SC
9/24/2018 9:21:39 AM (1876 views)

NTC - matthew clark/AL
9/13/2018 3:23:58 PM (3005 views)
Re: NTC - Sherry Greene/MI
9/24/2018 8:06:34 AM (2297 views)
Re: NTC - Paula Reynolds/FL
10/3/2018 3:10:14 PM (2225 views)
Re: NTC - Angela Sharp/CA
2/15/2019 12:03:47 AM (1154 views)
Re: NTC - Paula Reynolds/FL
2/15/2019 12:29:46 AM (1108 views)
Re: NTC - Angela Sharp/CA
2/15/2019 12:57:41 AM (1041 views)
Re: NTC - Rene Blevins/VA
9/25/2018 4:23:04 PM (2218 views)
Re: NTC - matthew clark/AL
9/25/2018 4:46:38 PM (2232 views)
Re: NTC - Bruce Lutz/PA
9/28/2018 1:20:49 PM (1778 views)

Title Group LLC - Amy Johnson/MS
9/13/2018 12:14:01 PM (2518 views)
Re: Title Group LLC - Waylon Milner/MS
9/28/2018 3:18:34 PM (1489 views)

Certified Abstractor? - F P/VA
9/10/2018 3:07:39 PM (2490 views)
Re: Certified Abstractor? - Rene Blevins/VA
9/24/2018 10:33:09 AM (2281 views)

Punctual Abstract - Sherry Greene/MI
9/8/2018 4:31:32 PM (3179 views)
Re: Punctual Abstract - Dennis Yunke/MI
9/10/2018 9:11:17 AM (2488 views)
Re: Punctual Abstract - Sherry Greene/MI
9/10/2018 9:25:25 AM (2380 views)
Re: Punctual Abstract - Leah Brown/LA
9/13/2018 10:03:25 AM (2922 views)
Re: Punctual Abstract - Sherry Greene/MI
9/14/2018 10:11:17 AM (2499 views)
Re: Punctual Abstract - Leah Brown/LA
9/14/2018 10:41:16 AM (2509 views)
Re: Punctual Abstract - SALLY BURSETH/WI
9/17/2018 9:46:16 AM (2227 views)
Re: Punctual Abstract - Sherry Greene/MI
9/17/2018 12:12:37 PM (2226 views)
Re: Punctual Abstract - Marcia Newsome/NC
9/29/2018 2:51:11 PM (1869 views)
Re: Punctual Abstract - Sherry Greene/MI
9/29/2018 3:04:10 PM (1948 views)

SLK GLOBAL - Michael Rosing/IL
9/7/2018 10:59:54 AM (2796 views)
Re: SLK GLOBAL - Thomas Germain/CT
9/15/2018 1:41:43 PM (2309 views)
Re: SLK GLOBAL - Prasanna Krishnaiah/TX
9/17/2018 6:50:53 AM (2160 views)
Re: SLK GLOBAL - Tamara Howard/FL
9/17/2018 9:47:20 AM (2147 views)
Re: SLK GLOBAL - Ted Williamson/TX
9/18/2018 1:55:35 PM (2116 views)
Re: SLK GLOBAL - Rene Blevins/VA
9/24/2018 10:36:14 AM (2007 views)
Re: SLK GLOBAL - Ted Williamson/TX
9/24/2018 11:37:07 AM (1899 views)

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