Dear Naomi,
This is Charlene Henry. I certainly understand that many abstractors post replies to items that appear on this site. However, I don't know you and do not work in North Carolina. Perhaps you know Donna Criswell and were offering her support. That is noble and what friends do. I do not know why you were compelled to reply to a situation that was very upsetting for both Donna and me. You asked for Donna to trust you because apparently, this happened to you. I am sorry it happened to you, But, per Donna's desires to satisfy her worries and concerns, I did what she asked of me. I believe she pleased and I wish her well. I am very thankful that she and I have both moved on and hope that the circumstance is put in the past.
I think you should pursue the person who did not respect you. You deserve to be paid as you did the work and I am assuming you did it very well. I am hoping you will see this and post a positive retort to a concern that has been resolved.
Charlene Henry
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