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newsworthy posts... check these out...CFPB - lumping Title insurance - a "junk fee"... - Denise. Williams./MO
4/14/2024 10:13:55 AM (727 views)

4/11/2024 1:07:46 PM (569 views)

E-titles website gone - Kurt deVries/FL
4/5/2024 2:05:23 PM (1153 views)
Re: E-titles website gone - Jay Duncan/MO
4/5/2024 4:00:35 PM (1224 views)
Re: E-titles website gone - Kurt deVries/FL
4/8/2024 9:46:03 AM (1137 views)
Re: E-titles website gone - Diane Sherrill/SC
4/8/2024 11:23:25 AM (1161 views)

text messages instead of email? - Ben Wilczynski/PA
3/26/2024 4:20:59 PM (1151 views)
Re: text messages instead of email? - Denise Williams/MO
3/29/2024 4:08:25 PM (1230 views)
Re: text messages instead of email? - Diane Sherrill/SC
4/8/2024 11:31:31 AM (1064 views)
Re: text messages instead of email? - Dianne Barnidge/MS
4/12/2024 4:22:52 PM (1052 views)

Whitehouse fact sheet re: lender's title insurance policy - Patty  Baber/FL
3/14/2024 8:53:31 AM (1177 views)
Re: Whitehouse fact sheet re: lender's title insurance policy - Garret  Fitzgerald/VA
3/18/2024 6:03:23 PM (1130 views)

NALTEA Response to State of the Union - Heather St Amant/LA
3/8/2024 2:56:36 PM (1476 views)
Re: NALTEA Response to State of the Union - Julia Thomas/OH
3/8/2024 6:14:37 PM (1176 views)
Re: NALTEA Response to State of the Union - Robert Franco/OH
3/10/2024 9:01:21 AM (1271 views)
Re: NALTEA Response to State of the Union - Denise Williams/MO
3/10/2024 2:59:38 PM (1158 views)
Re: NALTEA Response to State of the Union - Julia Thomas/OH
3/11/2024 11:27:12 PM (1075 views)
Re: NALTEA Response to State of the Union - Brandon ONeal/TN
3/12/2024 12:05:39 PM (1183 views)
Re: NALTEA Response to State of the Union - Heather St Amant/LA
3/18/2024 10:34:43 AM (1118 views)
Re: NALTEA Response to State of the Union - Diane Sherrill/SC
4/8/2024 12:07:34 PM (926 views)
Re: NALTEA Response to State of the Union - Patrick Miller/LA
3/12/2024 7:47:47 AM (1087 views)
Re: NALTEA Response to State of the Union - Randi Erickson/MN
3/13/2024 3:40:30 PM (1306 views)
Re: NALTEA Response to State of the Union - Victoria  Wertz/GA
3/21/2024 4:11:57 PM (1069 views)
Re: NALTEA Response to State of the Union - Randi Erickson/MN
4/2/2024 12:36:00 PM (991 views)
Re: NALTEA Response to State of the Union - Patty  Baber/FL
3/13/2024 3:58:07 PM (1127 views)
Re: NALTEA Response to State of the Union - Diane Sherrill/SC
4/8/2024 11:37:03 AM (947 views)
Re: NALTEA Response to State of the Union - Kurt deVries/FL
4/9/2024 10:44:36 AM (916 views)

State of the Union speech - Kurt deVries/FL
3/8/2024 1:49:09 AM (1428 views)
Re: State of the Union speech - Heather St Amant/LA
3/8/2024 11:32:23 AM (1351 views)
Re: State of the Union speech - Natalie Collier/NY
3/19/2024 8:33:56 AM (1125 views)
Re: State of the Union speech - Robert Franco/OH
3/21/2024 5:45:40 PM (1139 views)
Re: State of the Union speech - Judy Maclauchlan/NY
3/25/2024 9:17:55 AM (1065 views)
Re: State of the Union speech - Randi Erickson/MN
4/1/2024 5:07:26 PM (974 views)
Re: State of the Union speech - Scott Perry/PA
4/2/2024 5:00:57 PM (979 views)
Re: State of the Union speech - Paige Dunn/GA
3/11/2024 11:29:03 AM (1232 views)

News: Jackson Munsey killed on 3/2/24 - Christy  Lovelace/NC
3/4/2024 10:51:24 AM (2097 views)
Re: News: Jackson Munsey killed on 3/2/24 - Naomi Backes/NC
3/5/2024 3:40:56 PM (1585 views)

lifeline - Ricky Gill/MS
3/3/2024 7:56:30 AM (1270 views)
Re: lifeline - W. Dean Crawford/AL
3/4/2024 2:26:13 PM (1215 views)
Re: lifeline - Patty  Baber/FL
3/13/2024 4:00:44 PM (1071 views)
Re: lifeline - GLORIA DAVIS/AL
3/18/2024 8:51:27 PM (1097 views)
Re: lifeline - Manish Chauhan/AK
3/22/2024 12:15:10 PM (1143 views)

EMAIL NOTICES - Michael Rosing/IL
3/1/2024 12:16:37 PM (806 views)

Court Street USA - Alix Ott/MI
3/1/2024 11:19:15 AM (1562 views)
Re: Court Street USA - stephen willard/OH
3/4/2024 9:26:11 AM (1262 views)
Re: Court Street USA - Alix Ott/MI
3/4/2024 10:29:01 AM (1200 views)
Re: Court Street USA - george Hubka/MI
3/11/2024 9:47:50 PM (1072 views)
Re: Court Street USA - stephen willard/OH
3/4/2024 10:31:57 AM (1214 views)
Re: Court Street USA - Kurt deVries/FL
3/5/2024 10:07:39 AM (1182 views)
Re: Court Street USA - Michaela Urban/OH
3/6/2024 8:59:13 PM (1162 views)
Re: Court Street USA - Tiona Martin/KY
3/8/2024 12:36:43 PM (1147 views)
Re: Court Street USA - Michael Rosing/IL
3/9/2024 5:17:05 PM (1136 views)
Re: Court Street USA - george Hubka/MI
3/11/2024 9:53:27 PM (1144 views)
Re: Court Street USA - Diane Sherrill/SC
4/8/2024 12:27:26 PM (1068 views)
Re: Court Street USA - Patty  Baber/FL
3/13/2024 4:12:38 PM (1145 views)
Re: Court Street USA - Natalie Collier/NY
3/19/2024 8:31:03 AM (1118 views)
Re: Court Street USA - Michaela Urban/OH
4/9/2024 9:05:48 AM (1195 views)
Someone made the comment to not answer the phone, and I don’t think you quite understand how neurotic, and unhinged, these people were. They would call my office phone, cell phone, email repeatedly, and then call the county. It did NOT matter if you didn’t answer - they just called more. My one county literally banned phone calls in there for abstractors because they called SO MUCH. True story!

I also confronted them about this issue and asked them to stop. It was stressful, and every time I tried to work RANG RANG, WE NEED STATUS. The one day alone I had four different people contact me in a 2 hour period for status on one order, which I gave to each of those 4 people. I even asked them - don’t you talk to eachother, or put notes in your computer - that you already asked me for status 10 times today??? They just kept bothering me!!!

Then they would call, and just want a “current owner” done at 3 pm, and expect it same day. You could say no, but they would call and email and BEG. To the point you finally gave in, and later regretted it! Each time they would find a reason the current owner wasn’t good enough, and demand I go back IMMEDIATELY, RIGHT NOW, YESTERDAY, and correct it. It did not matter if I wasn’t in that county that day, and told them right away. They kept calling!

Also 9/10 times it would turn into a full search, and you had to make sure the fee was approved or they would NOT pay extra. Which took time and more phone calls. All while they are calling and begging for status (on 2 orders now!). And like I said before, to add insult to injury, they never paid copies right. You could go down their list and get every single thing they wanted, write the fee on the order, on their form, and email the price with the search - and a month later it wasn’t paid right. No explanation, other than YOU messed up (despite knowing I did NOT!). Some of my copies were $2.00 a page, so those “mistakes” added up fast. 10/10 times they never paid for those “mistakes” which felt very blatant. They acted like it was coming from their own pocket!!! Nevermind they literally got FREE $2.00 a page copies from me, by never explaining which copies I pulled that were “wrong”, and/or why they didn’t have to pay me for those!

They were absolutely ridiculous on a level that I have never dealt with - with any other clients. I have been in the business for 26 years, so if I have something to say negative - it has fully been earned on the client’s part!!! I did see an apology and they claimed to have changed, but I have no desire to find out if true. I just know some people tolerate things for money, and that is how people still work for them. However everything I said here happened to me, and over and over and over, and I stand by that. It seared a very negative experience in my mind, and I gave them more than one chance to do right - and they did not do right! Not working for them was the best choice for me! I am SO HAPPY if it works good for others now! I WANT them to do right! However, this was MY experience! to post a reply: login - or - register

Universal Real Estate Services Inc. of Clifton Heights PA - Robert Weber/PA
2/29/2024 3:52:48 PM (880 views)
Re: Universal Real Estate Services Inc. of Clifton Heights PA - Rita Killary/NY
2/29/2024 4:08:22 PM (1123 views)

Resolute Title Services, LLC - Dianne Barnidge/MS
2/28/2024 9:33:32 AM (1262 views)
Re: Resolute Title Services, LLC - Randi Erickson/MN
2/29/2024 1:19:52 PM (1313 views)
Re: Resolute Title Services, LLC - Dianne Barnidge/MS
2/29/2024 1:21:06 PM (1215 views)
Re: Resolute Title Services, LLC - Shawna Carr/AR
11/15/2024 10:27:58 AM (240 views)
Re: Resolute Title Services, LLC - Dianne Barnidge/MS
11/15/2024 11:17:07 AM (244 views)
Re: Resolute Title Services, LLC - Dianne Barnidge/MS
11/15/2024 11:17:09 AM (235 views)
Re: Resolute Title Services, LLC - Dianne Barnidge/MS
11/15/2024 11:17:27 AM (315 views)
Re: Resolute Title Services, LLC - Thomas  rossi/RI
11/18/2024 9:54:02 AM (205 views)
Re: Resolute Title Services, LLC - Dianne Barnidge/MS
11/18/2024 10:31:23 AM (215 views)

Nationwide Attorney Title Opinions - Catherine Anderson/TN
2/26/2024 9:45:24 AM (1030 views)
Re: Nationwide Attorney Title Opinions - Brandon ONeal/TN
2/29/2024 1:24:44 AM (1008 views)
Re: Nationwide Attorney Title Opinions - RENEE ZENO/NY
3/5/2024 2:10:18 PM (949 views)

2/20/2024 10:08:38 AM (950 views)

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