Hey everyone, I am the owner of Fee Favor and happy to answer any questions you have. Fee Favor was built to advocate on a title searchers behalf as we are the unknown backbone of the real estate industry and quite frankly I am tired of us being called "vendors." Real Estate transactions are not possible without searchers. I built Fee Favor so that a title searcher had a platform to accept new business from companies that may not know he existed.
Searchers are not charged a dime for fulfilling orders on our marketplace. Fee Favor charges the customer that places an order $4.99 to connect to a searcher. A searcher does not have to accept any order he does not want to and can charge what he wants to. We collect up front for a searcher and pay him weekly via direct deposit so that he doesn't have to worry about collections.
As an owner of a title company that covers the entire State of Georgia (which you are welcome to see my letters of reference at www.southernabstracting.com ) I saw the need to connect searchers so that we all have access to networks when we need copies of documents that are not online and don't want to spend crazy amounts of (non-billable drive time) driving to a courthouse to walk in and spend 5 minutes getting what we need.
I am happy to talk with anyone about our industry and Feefavor.com and hope you will feel free to reach out with any questions you have. I am at 678-883-7000.
Jeff Edrington
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