KEEP STICKING TO YOUR GUNS!!! This is exactly how we, as a group of abstractors, can come together for a common cause. We have never lowered our prices for any client. If a client starts requiring additional copies we pass that additional cost on or if their order specs increase so does the cost. We have families and employees to support, license/insurance to pay (which never goes down), phone/fax bills, auto/gas bills, copy bills, and every cost associated with our part of the real estate/title business. These costs go up for us every year. I know alot of us haven't raised our fees because we are scared of losing a client, but you can bet your bottom dollar they have raised their rates for their clients. We, as a group can weather this, but only if we all stick together. Good luck and have a Happy Holiday, heck with being always poltically correct, MERRY CHRISTMAS AND REMEMBER THE REASON FOR THE SEASON. JOHN 3:16, JAY
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