As one who may be considered "inexperienced", and most definitely uninsured, I would first like to defend myself. I spent two+ years in the employ of a major title company, quickly earning distinction after a little over one year being named the top examiner, beating out examners with 5-20 years of experience. I have been independent for over 3 years now. As far as being uninsured, my clients do not require it. Nevertheless, I guarantee my work, if I make a mistake (apart from an error in public records), I will refund the fee charge for the search, and further updates on said property will be free. As an uninsured, (relatively) inexperienced abstractor, I have cleaned up plenty of botched searches from "respectable" abstractors and title companies. No one is immune to error.
Now, when I first went independent, my first client signed had fixed fees for everyone, and they have not decreased, but rather increased slightly. These searches are rather involved, and the fee is not great per search, but I get a very, very high volume in every county I cover. Subsequent clients I have set the price, if they balk at it, they are free to try someone else.
I agree with everyone else. Stick to your guns. Quality work should receive quality pay -- you get what you pay for. The bitterness of poor quality lingers long after the sweetness of low price has faded.
MLP Abstract
Castroville, TX
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