Just saw your message and thought I would respond both as to Transunion/Atlantic and Home Focus. Transunion/Atlantic did call me in follow up to the rate reduction letter they sent me in December. They asked at that time if any of my fees were negotiable. I told them that, as I had explained to them when I received my fee reduction notice, I review my rates at the first of every year and adjust them annually. Sometimes rates go down (this happens mostly when I get good internet access to a county's records and don't have to travel into the county to get copies) and somtimes they go up (this happens mostly if I find myself traveling to a specific county on a frequent basis). Several of my counties started up new web sites this year which WAS going to allow me to reduce rates for ALL my clients in those counties, and those new rates were in fact going to be lower than Transunion's new rates. HOWEVER, since they wanted to pay me, say $100.00 in a county I was going to lower to, say $60.00, then I would be more than happy to accept their rate reduction and take the $100. And while they were at it, they could raise some of my counties, and they could simply leave some of them alone. Bottom line, they shot themselves in the foot with me, and I told them so. It hasn't affected my work load from them either. This week literally all of my clients were slow, nay, dead, EXCEPT Transunion which sent me an uncharacterist 2 to 4 orders per day. I agree with whoever it was that said their work is always harder. My favorite story is a search they sent me 70 miles away to do in a county that hasn't even heard of computers, where I discovered a handwritten note on the assessor's property card that said "COMMENT: TWO BIG DOGS IN YARD OK, BUT BEWARE OF OWNER" who, by the way, had been married and divorced three times, split his rural property without having it surveyed or platted, got deficient legal descriptions on the quit claim deeds that he received through the divorces, been sued several times for collection, filed bankruptcy, and went to jail for failure to pay child support. This was one of my higher priced searches -- I think I got $110 for it. I would stick to my guns on whatever I felt was necessary to compensate me for this company's work. The title coordinators are mostly pleasant enough, but the work they send can be high risk and thus often quite difficult and time consuming.
On to Home Focus. They are still out there. At least in my neck of the woods. Maybe you should just try calling your title coordinator. There is a lady in Vendor Management that is always very helpful. Her name is Deb Busch - maybe you could call her. She would give you the straight scoop I am sure.
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